Friday, October 20, 2017

The Summer Strikes Back, Part 30


I say, that was a good shot, Arturro!”

A bucket of yellow liquid had been flung in the direction of the fire on the coaster's whitewashed girders. While most of it did hit the metal, some of it ended up soaking Jerrod's head. He backed away, his dark head dripping.

Shit! What the fuck is this, piss? It's sticky!” He sniffed at his gray t-shirt. “Smells like...lemons?”

One of his men ran a finger over his wet shirt and tasted it. “I think it's lemonade.”

You're right.” Kris' round face broke into a snarky grin behind the bucket. “Give the little boy a trophy. He can tell lemonade from human urine.” Arturro nodded, smirking on the other side of the bucket.

You skinny...ack!” Jerrod didn't get two feet before he was hit in the face by a steady stream of white froth.

For once, I'm not sorry at all that my aim was off.” Chip sniffed, turning the nozzle of the fire extinguisher on the remains of the gas. “You deserved every bit of that. Trying to burn down the most popular ride on the pier, while it was in operation! Have you no shame, sir?”

Jerrod lunged for him. “You're not gonna have any balls when I get my hands on you, nerd breath!”

Oh dear. Vulgar and an arsonist. Quite a combination.” Chip handed Arturro the fire extinguisher. “Here. You finish putting out the fire. I, er, must dash!” Arturro and Chip exchanged looks and bolted after him before Jerrod could grab them.

Hank gave Leia his famous lazy smirk. “For once, I think Chip's got the right idea.” He and Bodhi turned at once and hit the Imperials that held them in the face. Jyn kicked her captor in the groin. Leia threw the lemonade bucket over the head of the Imperial who held her, letting him stumble over the chain-link fence along the pier and onto the sand beneath.

Ok, everyone, follow the geek in yellow and brick!” Cassian pointed to Chip as he dashed as fast as his long skinny legs could take him across the pier. They made quite a show as they rushed across the park, with Jerrod and his boys pushing people aside as they tried to go after them.

Where is he?” Bodhi stopped running, panting hard. “I can't take much more of this. I have not been on beach all summer, rescuing and fighting.”

There he goes!” Hank pointed to Chip and Kris as they turned a corner. “They're headin' for the arcade!”

Cassian groaned. “Great. This is a bad time to be playing Pac Man!”

Leia and Hank exchanged knowing grins. “Chip knows what he's doing. We're meeting,”

Army?” Bodhi gave them a strange look as they finally stopped between Star Wars and Space Invaders. “What army?”

Yeah, what army?” They all turned find a still-damp Jerrod and his boys in the dark entrance, the lights on the pier shining over their heads. Several held baseball bats. Others still had guns. Jerrod sneered. “I don't see an army. I see a bunch of retards who are about to get the crap smashed out of them.”

Why are you doing this?” Leia clutched Hank's hand as Jerrod moved further in. “What's in it for you?”

Full run of this town.” Jerrod smacked his gun into his hand. “When Mr. Palpatine takes over, he said we can do whatever we want. Soon as we get rid of this bitch and her pier, the Big Man will own this burg.”

I say, over here!” Everyone's heads swiveled to the back of the room. “Are you looking for us?” Chip, Kris, and Arturro had somehow managed to climb onto the skee ball machines. Chip was waving his thin arms like a madman. “We're over here!”

Kris smirked. “You couldn't catch us with an electro-magnetic light beam gun!”

Jerrod pointed his bat at the duo. “Get 'em!”

Arturro shot the fire extinguisher, spraying them with as much foam as he could. He was practically jumping up and down as he smirked, yelling his language happily at the top of his lunges. Chip and Kris threw heavy wooden balls from the skee ball machines in their direction.

Jerrod had just struggled to his feet again when the stream finally died. Arturro's face nearly fell onto the machine. The Imperials's eyes blazed as, slipping across the floor, he swung his bat at them. “You turds are so toast!”

Chip put up his hands, pushing Arturro behind him. “We surrender!”

But we don't!” Davy Wicket let out a wild war whoop and streaked out from behind a crane game, leaping onto Jerrod's back. “Got'cha, Darth Vader! You're our prisoner!”

Jerrod landed on the slippery green rug with a heavy thump. “Darth Vader? I'll show you Darth Vader, you little brat...”

He never got the chance. Kids burst out from behind consoles and the prize counter. They jumped down from skee ball machines and from behind stuffed animals. All of them swarmed around the Imperials, pushing them all the way back to Frogger and Defender. They kicked their shins, shot arrows made of sticks at their knees, and smacked their rears with plastic swords.

You're not getting away from us, Imperials!” Kneesha grabbed one man's baseball bat, at least as well as she could with her small hand. “This shouldn't be in an arcade! It's not a quarter!”

Yeah!” Willy shot his “arrow” at the arm of another man, making him drop his lead pipe. “And you guys aren't Q-Bert or Mr. Do!”

Poe sat on a red-headed man's back, smacking him with his sword. “I'm He-Man, an' I'm gonna save my friends, Trap Jaw!”

Nice work, kids.” Charlie grinned as he and Maz came from behind the counter. Maz proudly held a cassette player. “We recorded the whole bloody incident. At least, until the tykes here showed up.”

The older lady handed Arturro, Kris, and Chip a heavy spool of twine. “The kiddies can help you put these jerks on ice until the cops come. Ben and Yoda went to call them.”

Can we really put them on ice?” Davy gave them as evil of a look as an 11-year-old could manage. “Like Darth Vader did to Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back?”

Uh, no.” Hank shook his head. “That's not very nice. I think tying them up will be the best thing.”

Come on, lil' man.” Charlie handed him some rope. “Help me with this one.” He held Jerrod by his collar. “He's a frisky bugger, he is.”

Ok!” Davy almost jumped on Jerrod's lap as he wound him with twine.

Leia helped Cassian, Jyn, and Kneesha with the remaining Imperials. “Their parents were all right with them doing this?” she asked as she bound one man's arms.

Charlie shrugged. “I told their parents we'd let the tykes run off steam at the arcade, then bring them back for the fireworks. The Wickets are riding the Comet. Maz closed the Kamakazi Star as soon as she saw the smoke.”

I knew them boys were up to something when I saw that smoke.” Maz turned her thick Coke-bottle glasses on Jerrod. “Your boss is going to be getting my bills for the damages from his firebug habits, both on the storage shed you jerks tried to burn down in July and the Kamakazi Star. That roller coaster cost me a bundle!”

Aw, shi...shoot.” The plump ginger-haired Imperial let out a long groan. “The Big Man's not gonna like this!”

Shut up, Brendol.” Jerrod managed to give him a kick, just as the police swarmed into the arcade.

Ben and Officer Madine followed them. “We got the Fire Department, too,” Kenobi added as Maz joined them. “They're assessing the damage on the Kamakazi Star. Yoda's with them.” Ben gave them a small grin. “Or, more likely, he's bossing them around, because he's known the pier longer than most of them have been alive.”

The Wickets ducked in next, followed by several other local parents, including Kes Dameron. “Poe!” Kes plucked his son from poking at Brendol's side. “Are you all right? I saw the smoke at my store, and then I saw Madine and his boys coming in this direction.”

I'm good!” Poe waved his sword. “Papa, I was He-Man! We save people!”

Kes chuckled as he cuddled his son. “I'm sure you did.” Charlie brought Davy and his siblings to their parents, who arrived with sodas and funnel cake on a tray.

Hank's lazy grin returned as his hazel eyes dropped to the walkie-talkie on Jerrod's hip. “What do we have here?” He snatched the small black box. “Hey sweetheart, I think I have an idea.”

Jyn and Leia exchanged amused looks. “I don't know if I like that glint in your eye.” Leia raised an eyebrow. “That means you're up to something, probably something you shouldn't be.”

The famous lazy grin grew wider. “Doesn't that go without saying, Your Worship?” He flicked the machine on. As soon as he did, a tinny voice squeaked from the amplifier. “Took you long enough, Jerrod. You ready to meet us at Ackbar's Restaurant?”

Yeah,” Hank said quickly, imitating Jerrod's tones as best he could, “we're ready. We'll meet you down there in about twenty minutes. By the way,” he added, trying to sound slightly befuddled, “what boat are we supposed to be meeting? You know how my brain works sometimes.”

You idiot! Shh!” The voice dropped slightly. “Did you forget the Big Man's hulk is the Death Star? The big silver yacht. You can't miss it. We're just about finished with the boats over here,” the voice added. “See you then. Over and out.”

Over and out.” Hank grinned at Madine, who had just yanked Jerrod to his feet. “I don't think he's going to make that meeting, do you?”

Madine handcuffed the young man's wrists behind his back. “I'll be more than happy to keep that appointment for him.” He handed Jerrod over to a female officer. “Officer Wexley, you and Devlin read these boys their rights and take them to the station. Toss them in the lock-up until we've got the full set. The rest of you will be coming with me to Ackbar's.”

What about us?” Jyn grinned eagerly as she poked Brendol in the arm. “I think I'm kind of liking being a cop.”

The rest of you are free to stay here or go home, whatever you want.” Madine slid the cassette recorder Maz gave him into a plastic bag. “Besides, the fireworks will be starting soon. I'm sure none of you will want to miss that.”

I know I don't.” Hank put his arm around Leia, whose dark eyes had grown sorrowful at the mention of Palpatine's yacht. “Come on, princess. Let's go back to the cottages. Luke can meet us there. He can handle himself, most of the time. At least, he's gotten better at it over the past few weeks.”

Leia gave him a weak smile. “Luke's ok. I can feel it. It's Vader I'm not sure about.”

Madine nodded. “If I see Luke, I'll tell him you went home.”

Leia!” Davy grabbed her around the torso for a hug. “Are you going to watch the fireworks with us? They're the best part of the show!”

Yeah, we are.” She took his hand and Hank's. “Come on, boys. I think we deserve a treat.”


Palpatine watched as Luke wiggled in his brother's arms like a flounder caught in a net. His wrinkled smile looked more like a serial killer's than an executive's. “Good, good. Use that anger of yours, boy.”

Aw come on, baby bro.” Vader twisted his arms behind his back. “It's the only way you can save your buddies on the pier.” His grin was nearly feral. “Including that twin sister of yours.” He leaned closer into Luke's ear, so only he could hear. “You know, baby bro, Palpatine was thinking of hiring her. If you won't join the Imperials, maybe she will.”

NEVER!” Luke screeched as he kicked Vader hard in the knee. The moment his brother went down, he pounded him as hard as he could, hitting and kicking him in places he normally would never touch. He finally grabbed a metal vase from the nearest table and slammed him with that. When Vader tried to grab his wrist, he shoved it away and slammed Vader's hand with the side of the vase. His brother screamed in pain as they heard the bones in his wrist crack.

The younger man yanked him with his one good hand by the collar of his black Darth Vader t-shirt. “How does it feel, big bro, huh? How does it feel to have one good hand? How does it feel to be pounded to a pulp by your own brother? Did you feel like this when you beat up Uncle Ben?” His voice went up with every syllable, until it was a near-shriek. “Did you?” His shriek finally devolved into a chilling laugh that reminded Vader of the Joker on the old Batman TV show. “DID YOU?”

Finish him!” Palpatine loomed over them, handing Luke the vase. “Kill him. We'll throw the body over the side, and you can take his place. The sooner we get rid of the body, the better.”

Luke's wild eyes flitted from Vader's broken hand to Palpatine's gnarled one holding out the heavy copper vessel. He rolled off his brother, trying to calm his breathing, like Yoda had taught him. When he opened his eyes again, he no longer saw red. He only saw his brother, struggling into a sitting position, and a worn old man in an expensive suit.

No.” The youth finally stood before Palpatine, his blue eyes boring into the old man's soul, if he had one. “Forget it, Palpatine. I'm not like Adam. I cut waves, not people. I'm a Jedi Knight, like my brother and uncle were before me. ”

Palpatine narrowed his yellowish eyes. “So be it, surfer boy.” He raised the vase. “If you won't kill him, you're of no use to me.” He kicked hard at Vader's side. “Either of you.”

Luke wasn't prepared for how fast the old man could move. The vase smacked into his back before he could jump away. Between the vase and the rolling of the ship as they were hit on the starboard bow, all three of them ended up on the ground, the vase falling from Palpatine's fingers. Luke tried to reach for it, but every time he stretched out his fingers, his back screamed in protest.

You think you're getting away from me?” The boy gasped as Palpatine's bony hands wrapped around his neck. Luke's fingers were around his throat, trying to pry the older man's surprisingly strong fingers from his windpipe. “If I can't have you, no one can.”

Luke finally kicked him in the leg. He let go long enough for the youth to roll out from under him. He'd struggled against the bar in time to see a copper vase come down hard over Palpatine's head. It came down again, and again, until the bloody pulp that had once been the CEO of Empire Industries lay on the floor...and Adam Walker towered over him, his own eyes nearly as red as his younger brother's had been.

Va...vader?” Luke choked out, his eyes wide with shock. “ killed him. You murdered him!”

I had to, kid.” Adam dropped the vase next to the body, where it landed with a clatter. “I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life, but I wasn't going to let that bastard kill one of the only family members I have left.” He gave him a surprisingly sunny smile that reminded Luke a lot of his own, and their father's. “By the way, little bro, call me Adam.”

A third blast rocketed the ship, nearly sending Luke into Adam's lap. “I think we'd better get out of here.” He and Luke gingerly helped each other to their feet. “For one thing, I want to see what the hell is goin' on. I don't think it's just rough waters. For another thing, he's gonna start to smell in a few minutes.”

Luke turned away, unable to look at the bloody mass that had once been a monster. “How did you do it, Adam? Even I couldn't kill someone. Leia almost did, in Atlantic City a few weeks ago. I just...I don't have it in me.”

Ma was like that. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Dad...” He frowned, looking at Luke's hand. “Yeah, Leia and I are more like Dad. Got his temper.” Another blast sent them banging against a wall. “Shit. I think it's time we talked to my boys and figure out what the hell is goin' on, before we end up lookin' like ol' Simon down there.”

Luke couldn't help giving Palpatine one last look as he pushed a button to open a sliding door. “Adam?” he groaned.

Yeah, kid?”

I don't feel so good.”


Piett had seen a lot of strange vessels in his time, but he had never, ever seen anything quite like the fishing boats that rocketed alongside them. It was the most dilapidated, rust-covered object to ever be referred to as a boat. The Love Boat, it wasn't, especially as a round, bright red object was flung in his face.

It's oil, sir!” Thanisson reported as more balloons were flung in their direction. “We're being hit with oil!”

Of all the juvenile...ack!” The Death Star was sandwiched by another boat, this one a gray and red fishing vehicle in somewhat better shape. The boat pushing alongside them nearly knocked them to the now-slippery main deck.

All right, me hearties!” A tall black man in a pirate outfit straight out of an Errol Flynn movie sashayed around the deck of the older boat. “Lock in ye power source, and make sure they're not goin' anywhere.”

The shirtless man in the orange trousers with the striped scarf belted around his waist saluted him. “Aye aye, Captain Callahan!”

Hit the deck!” Piett ducked down as they were pelted by balloons on one side, large, shiny red objects on the other. “This is embarrassing.”

Thanisson looked over his shoulder. “I'm surprised the Big Man hasn't noticed anything yet.” He'd just started getting to his feet when one of the shiny red circles landed right on his head...and leaned over and grabbed his nose. “Owwww!” His hands flew upwards to his head. “Ith's a thrab!” The Imperial tried to yank the critter out of his hair, but he held on tight. “Geth outha here, Pieth! Save yourselth!”

Abandon ship!” Piett was about to go look for Vader inside when he heard giggling from the smaller fishing ship behind him. He didn't get two centimeters before needle-sharp pinches came down hard on his rear. “Owwwwww!”

Ezra and Sabine laughed as the lobster with the wonky leg from the backyard clamped onto Piett and wouldn't let go. “I'm glad we brought Pinchy along with us as our mascot,” Ezra managed to get out between giggles. “He's a better fighter than he is an Ewok.”

Hera's right,” Sabine added with a grin. “He is our good-luck charm.”

Vader got Luke to the side just in time for him to unload the lunch they'd had in the yacht's kitchen over the port side. “Damn, kid.” He rubbed his brother's sore back. “Didn't know you'd take blood like that.”

I'm not good with gore,” Luke managed to gasp after he came back up for air. “Leia and I went to see Creepshow with a couple of our friends last year. I spent most of the movie hiding behind the seat. She still teases me about that.”

I'm not surprised.” Vader managed to duck an oncoming oil balloon. “Kid, I think we'd better talk to your buddies and tell them at least some of what happened.”

Right.” Luke stumbled over to Lance as soon as he felt slightly less nauseous. “Lance! Over here!”

Luke?” Lance and the shorter man who was going on a mile a minute in Spanish behind him slid over the oily deck in his direction. “What are you doing here?” He narrowed his eyes. “And Vader. Felt like altering more deals?”

Vader crossed his arms. “Yeah, the one with my boss. Let's say he and I parted company...right before I parted his skull.”

Lance's eyes widened. “You...killed a guy?”

I'm not proud of it, ok?” Vader held Luke harder. “I got pissed off, and I wasn't thinking.”

Palpatine was hurting me.” Luke rubbed his sore neck. “He hit me in the back and would have strangled me to death if Adam hadn't interfered.”

The faux pirate raised an eyebrow. “Adam?”

Yeah. I got Vader out of a book of German poems. My real name is Adam Walker.” The taller Walker sighed. “Look, dude, it's a long story.”

Hera came up next, followed by Kanan holding Piett by his collar. “Ship's secure, Captain Callahan,” she said, grinning wildly. “Chester and Zeb are having a chat with the driver, making sure he gets us to Ackbar's in good time. We should be there any minute.”

Ezra and Sabine followed, Sabine carrying Pinchy in a small crab trap. “Hey, what's going on?” Ezra grabbed his plastic lightsaber from his belt, waving it in Adam's face. “It's that Vader dude! I'll protect us!”

You don't need to do that, shorty.” Vader put up a hand. “I'm not gonna hurt anyone. Not now, anyway. I'm gonna turn myself in to Madine as soon as we get on land.”

Adam, no!” Luke wailed. “We'll get a lawyer. We'll get the best in South Jersey! We'll...”

Kid, I killed a man.” Adam's hiss dropped quietly. “I murdered him in cold blood. I've killed others, too. Besides,” he raised his hiss a bit, “if anyone knows anything about how the Big Man operates, it's me. Someone's gotta take Empire Industries down a few thousand pegs.”

Piett's glare radiated white-hot disgust. “Vader, you're a traitor and a disgrace. Weren't you the one who told us we should never surrender and always remain true to the Imperials and the Big Man?”

I was stupid, Piett.” Adam grabbed him from Kanan's grasp. “You need a bath.” He tossed him overboard into the water without a second thought.

Kanan exchanged looks with Ezra as the Rogues arrived, shoving the rest of the Imperials along the oil-coated deck. “I like that idea.” Kanan turned to the others. “Dump those jerks over the side. I think they need to cool off.”

Love it!” Wedge grinned, grabbed a guy by his shorts, and threw him over the railings. The remaining Imperials followed, thanks to his enthusiastic and slightly inebriated buddies.

Wait!” Wes pulled something out of a brown fabric satchel on his side. “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...” He dropped what appeared to be a shark's fin in the waves by the Imperials, letting it drift menacingly towards them. “Enjoy the seafood, boys! Play nice!” He grinned up at Wedge. “I knew I'd find a use for Jaws!”

His fellow Rogue slapped him on the back. “That's our prankster. Nice job. That'll keep them busy until we can send the cops to fish them out.”

The three boats pulled up at the marina behind Ackbar's Restaurant a few minutes later. Ackbar himself greeted the police on the dock, looking more than a little green around the gills. “Call the paramedics. There's a dead man in the living room.” He nodded towards the main cabin. “It looks like he was bludgeoned to death with a heavy object. It's like a scene from one of those slasher films the young people are so fond of these days.”

It was a vase, old fish dude.” Adam got off next, followed by Luke. Despite his brother's protests, he went straight to Madine. “Officer, I killed him. He was trying to hurt my brother, Luke Walker.”

Adam.” Madine's mouth dropped in shock under the red beard. “I thought you died in that fire years ago.”

I did.” He put out his wrists. “I only ask that, in exchange for information about Palpatine's activities, you leave my siblings and their friends out of this. They had nothin' to do with nothin'. In fact, they were the ones who helped me figure out what a jerk ass Palpatine was.” Adam sighed. “The rest of his plans are in his office at the hotel on Alderaan Island. It was going to be part of a chain of resorts that would have stretched from here to Long Beach Island. We were supposed to drive away the small businesses so he could take over buy up all the land cheap.”

Tell the rest to me at the station, boy.” Officer Madine locked the handcuffs on Adam's wrist with a metallic clang. “Adam Walker, you are under arrest for first-degree murder, arson, conspiracy, grand theft, and destruction of private property. You have the right to remain silent...”

Luke!” Lance pulled him aside. “Are you all right? You look like you've had a rough night.”

The younger man nodded. “Let's just say I have.”

Ezra and Sabine came down next. Hera, Kanan, and Zeb were already talking to several detectives, explaining everything they'd seen at the Boat Pageant and afterwards. Sabine carried Pinchy's crab trap. “Some night, huh?” Sabine asked with a grin. Pinchy added his two cents by splintering a wooden plank in his trap with his claws. “Our new mascot thinks so, too.”

Can we go home now?” Ezra's eyes were on the sky. “The fireworks will be starting any minute!”

Wedge came up to them as the other Rogues stumbled over to their ancient Buick. “Got a call from Solokowski right before we showed up here. He said everyone's gonna be watching the fireworks on the porches at the Cottages.”

Sounds like a party to me.” Sabine patted the wooden crate as big claws clicked together. “Pinchy thinks so, too.”

I think we could manage to sneak away.” Lance turned his blinding white grin on Luke. “Need a ride, kiddo? Nino brought my Lincoln Continental down from Bespin Island. We'll get back to the Cottages in style.”

I'll join you in a minute.” Luke patted Lance on the back, then hurried over to the police. Madine was starting to lead Adam to his squad car.

Hey Madine,” Adam hissed with a smile that reminded Luke painfully of his own, “can I talk to my kid brother here for a minute, before you spend the rest of the night grilling me?”

All right.” The police man released his hand from around his arm. “But don't leave this pier.”

I won't, dude. Don't bust a gasket.” Adam turned to Luke as Madine went to talk to Hera. “I'm glad I never bothered puttin' my helmet back on. It's nice to look at you with my own eyes.”

Adam,” Luke began, a lump in his throat, “I know you've done some terrible things, but...”

But I gotta own up to 'em, kid.” He nodded at Lance and Nino giving an animated account of the night to two younger policemen. “Go, kid. Enjoy your Labor Day. Don't worry about me. Some jail time might do me good. I could use a nice rest in a quiet cell after all this.”

No, Adam, you're wrong.” Luke took his hand. “I've got to save you.”

You already have.” Adam squeezed his brother's good hand. His broken one had been wrapped in bandages by the just-arriving paramedics. “You were right about me, bro. Tell your were right.”

Madine took his arm. “You're going to the hospital to get that hand looked at, buddy, then we're going to have a nice, long chat down at the station.” The cop shook Luke's own good hand with his empty one. “Thanks for everything, Luke. We'll call your uncle and sister tomorrow to get statements from them. And...happy Labor Day!”

Yeah, Luke.” Adam's smile lit up his entire mangled face. “Happy Labor Day!”

You too!” Luke watched as they loaded Adam into the back of an ambulance. He pulled back as three more paramedics rushed past him, pushing a rolling gurney down the pier. A bloodied hand clad in a pale blue Italian suit slipped out as they shoved him into the vehicle, talking about the massive amount of blood and his being dead on contact.

He felt like he was going to be sick again when a hand gently patted his shoulder. “Ackbar's got everything else tied up here. Everyone else is already gone.” Lance's toothpaste smile lit up the dark late summer's night. “I think it's time to go home.”

Luke gave him his own familiar smile back. “Yeah, Lance. So do I.” He followed Lance to the Lincoln, where Nino was already starting the car. As he climbed in the back, he heard the first soft booms of fireworks in the distance.


They're really something, huh sweetheart?” Hank and Leia sat on the wicker couch on the front porch of hers and Luke's cottage. Charlie chatted with the Wickets on the steps, while the kids oohed and ahhed on their laps. Bursts of white and blue and yellow danced across the star-studded indigo skies over the Atlantic Ocean. “Never saw fireworks as pretty as these. Except maybe that big show they had down in North Carolina when Charlie and I were scalloping near Chesapeake.”

Leia nodded, leaning on his chest. “Uh-huh.” He stroked her hair as she nuzzled him. “Thanks for taking me back to school tomorrow.”

It's only fair. We're part of the reason you're late in the first place.” He ran his fingers through her flowing waves. “As soon as we settle things with your Uncle here, I'm gonna find us an apartment up in Philly. Lance says he knows people who have connections to the real estate markets up there. Gonna see if we can get a job hauling seafood for some of the markets in town.”

Leia rubbed her stomach. “I think it might be beneficial for us to live together. We'll have two incomes – three, if you count Charlie – and you can work while I'm taking my classes.”

Yeah. Maybe I'll even take my GED and try a little of that learning stuff myself.” Hank kissed the top of her head as a car pulled up on the street.

Luke!” Leia's grin widened as her brother tumbled out. “You're all right!”

Yeah, sort of.” He gave her a shaky smile.

We'll talk about it later.” Leia hugged him. “All I care about is you're ok.” She narrowed her eyes. “Where's Vader? Arrested, I hope.”

Yeah, he is.” Luke bit his lip. “Sis, he turned himself in. He killed Palpatine. Smashed his head in like a melon when he tried to force me to work for him.”

Leia's eyes widened. “What?”

Kid!” Hank put an arm around his friend. “Look, Leia told me about you guys and Vader. Hard to believe you two are related to that jerk. You're nothing like him.”

She made a face. “I appreciate what he did for you Luke, and I while I don't like murder, I can understand why he'd attack Palpatine. Half the town probably wanted to do the same. But Luke, he's still a criminal and a killer. Not to mention, he sold Hank off like a steak at the meat counter at Ajax Grocery.”

Hank wrapped his arms around both of them. “Ehh, that's water under the bridge now, kids. So to speak. Come on. Luke starts the Coast Guard as soon as his hand heals, and we're heading out tomorrow. For real, this time.”

Yeah!” Lance's white smile was almost as brilliant as the sparks of red, green, and gold over their heads. “We worked hard to save these old places. Let's enjoy them for one last night.”

Hoo yah!” Wedge lead the Rogues back to their cottage. “Party at our place after the show!”

Not for these kids.” Hera put her own arms around her adopted children. “Some people have school tomorrow.”

Ezra made a face. “Aw Hera, do you have to remind us?”

Sorry kids, but she's right.” Kanan was carrying the crab trap. “Let's go put Pinchy in the tub until we can find a tank for him and get you guys settled down.”

Mrs. Wicket nodded at Windy, who had already fallen asleep on her lap. “This little lady starts her first day of kindergarten tomorrow.”

Aw, Mum.” Davy yawned. “Can't we stay a little longer?”

Sorry, son.” Mr. Wicket turned to Uncle Ben and Yoda as they made their way over. “Thank you for having us, Mr. Kenobi.”

Anytime. Thank you and your family for helping to save my livelihood.” Ben patted Yoda's shoulder. “And thank you too, old friend. You're welcome here anytime.”

Prefer Dagobah Bay, I do. Home it is. Much quieter. Fewer tourists, there are.” Yoda gave him a nearly toothless smile. “But visit often, I will. I have missed our conversations and our contests together.”

Kes held his sleeping son in his arms as he headed towards his cottage. “Yeah, this little boy needs some rest, too. I'm going to have to take a rain check on the party. But thanks to all of you for helping to save my home and my shops...and I'm sure every small business-owner in Ocean View thanks you, too.”

Ben walked over to the four huddled together in the yard. “I'll miss all of you.” He grinned at Hank. “Even you, Solokowski. You've done more for this old man than any of you can ever know.”

Thank you for giving me a home,” Lance added, “even after everything I did to all of you.”

And for rescuing me.” Hank grinned and gave Luke a noogie. “I owe you one, kid.”

Hey!” Jyn waved her hands from her freshly-repaired cottage. “Chirrut and Baze just got back from closing their place for the night. They have leftovers. Want to come over for some Chinese?”

Luke's grin was a mile wide. “Bring it to the Rogues' place. It sounds like they're having an end-of-the-summer party.”

Sure!” Jyn smiled. “And thanks, guys. Especially you, Leia. Dad says, thanks to those plans, the City Council is going to investigate Thrawn and his outside business activities, as well as reopen the investigation into the fire at the Order 66 Diner and Mufasar Hotel. They make take another look at the Coruscant Condos as well.”

Leia nodded. “Tell Mr. Erso I was honored to deliver those plans.”

Chip, Kris, and Arturro came over from Chip and Arturro's cottage. “We're returning to school tomorrow ourselves,” Chip admitted, “but we wouldn't mind joining for one last party.” Arturro smirked and chattered in his language. “I do not pass out after one drink! I can hold my liquor.” Arturro chattered faster, raising an eyebrow. “That night at the Gruesome Grog Bar doesn't count! It was part of a contest!”

Kris just shook his head as they went on behind him. “You idiots are something else.”

Luke put his arms around Luke and Leia. “Are you going to come to the party with us, Uncle Ben?”

He shook his head. “No, I think I'm going to turn in early. It's been a long summer. You have a nice night, kids. Don't stay up too late.”

Leia smiled as he followed Yoda to the cabin. “We won't, Uncle Ben!”

Hey mates!” Charlie wrapped his pumpkin-sized arms around all four of them. “Let's get to the Rogues, before there ain't no Chinese food left. I've been feelin' a hankerin' for Chirrut's Hunan beef with chili sauce myself.”

Right.” Luke squeezed Leia as they headed down the sidewalk. “Happy Labor Day, sis.”

She took his hand. “Happy Labor Day, brother.”

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