Friday, October 20, 2017

The Summer Strikes Back, Part 21

The Desert Sun Palace Casino was the tallest, gaudiest hotel-casino in Atlantic City in the early 80's. Hutt built it as quickly as possible to beat all the new construction to the punch. It was a glass and metal monolith that sparkled gaudily in the late afternoon sunlight. The August heat came off the metal portions in waves, giving its copper exterior the wavy glow of a fever dream.

Jasper wanted his palace to dominate all the others being built in the wake of the decision to legalize gambling in Atlantic City. It dwarfed the neighboring Golden Nugget, spreading out as far as regulations would allow. Fishermen could see that copper glow as far away as Ventnor. Arturro had never seen anything like it. He said as much to Chip as the latter straightened his soft tan and clay red cowboy-style coat. A gray cowboy hat, like a desert mist, was perched on his dark curls.

I don't like this, Arturro. We were lucky they'd just lost a group of college boys who went back to school.” The jittery blond dusted off his pale yellow suit jacket. “I'm supposed to be translating for Mr. Hutt for important visitors who don't speak English. Isn't he the most demanding creature you ever saw? He never seems to be satisfied. And the way he looks at the chorus girls in the Lap Netik Revue at the Anchorhead Theatre gives me the chills.”

Arturro shrugged and let out a stream of amused gibberish. “Well, that's all well and fine for you to say,” his best friend sniffed. “You're just serving drinks in the Twin Suns Lounge. I have to be around that awful Mr. Hutt every day!” The gibberish went deeper and a bit accusing. “I know we've been here for less than a week, but it really has been terrible. I'm glad we're not planning on keeping these jobs. Mr. Hutt is so vulgar! And we haven't found poor Hank yet.”

Chip stepped aside as the smaller boy grabbed a metal tray filled with Cosmopolitans and martinis. “Let's stay together, at least until we get to the main floor. This building is so incredibly enormous, it's like a maze. I've already gotten lost twice.” He glared at his friend as the shorter boy burst out laughing. “What do you mean, I have no sense of direction? This is just a very large building, that's all! It's new construction. I'm sure even some of the architects get lost!”

While the main casino floor was on ground level, everyone in Atlantic City knew that the real action was at the Twin Suns Lounge, just beyond the Mos Eisley Cantina bar and Desert Nights Club. This was where the high rollers, the rich and famous (or infamous), came to win and lose fortunes. The southwestern theme continued into the Lounge, with thick pastel Native American-print carpets, colorful tile murals representing the Mojave Desert, and a genuine waterfall that cascaded from a second-story rock formation, gushing softly to the pool below.

Chip recognized a familiar face the moment he stepped into the glittering gambling den. “Leia!” He hurried over to her, loitering by a slot machine...before stopping so suddenly, he nearly pitched face-first into the young woman. “What on Earth are you wearing? It's indecent!”

Shhhh!” She glared at him. “I'm supposed to be in disguise.” Her dark hair fell in thick waves under a towering headdress of red and gold feathers and gold beads. Her dress, if one could call it that, was little more than gold beads and sequins with a skimpy red and gold tulle and feather skirt. The beads and sequins lifted the bosom most conspicuously. Her midriff was scandalously bare, showing off the expanse of creamy white skin. “I'm not a big fan of it, either, but this is what we're supposed to wear for the dance show for patrons at the Lounge.”

One of the other chorus girls nudged Leia as she passed. “Hey, show's starting in five minutes.” The girl was much taller than Leia, nearly towering over her, even without the headdress waving in the breezes coming in from the boardwalk entrance. Her silky black hair fell down her golden back. “The Hutt's gonna grace us with his presence. Something about introducing a new living statue show. He sounded a little too happy, if you ask me.”

I've got to go, boys. Keep...keep an eye out, ok?” Chip and Arturro both nodded as Leia made her way to the stage area near the main lounge, passing two workers setting up a grotesque stone statue. It looked vaguely female, but head was smooth as an egg and the face seemed to have been rearranged by a petulant child. It almost seemed to be screaming in agony. The girl shivered and hurried off. She somehow managed to keep up with her fellow showgirl, even in the highest heels she could get away with. “What was that about a new show, Rita?”

We just heard about it this morning. The Hutt's making a big deal over it. Something about living statues in cages, almost totally naked.” She smirked. “I hope they're cute. They'd certainly be more interesting to flirt with than some of the new blood around here.” The slender showgirl ducked easily around a slot machine as they hurried around the edges of the main casino floor. “I think the Hutt likes you.”

Leia hoped Rita didn't see her wince at the very notion. “Who told you that?”

It's obvious to anyone with eyes, chica.” Rita lead her to the dressing rooms, just beyond the lounge. “He can't take his off you.” Her thick eyebrows went up as she opened the door for her. “A word of advice. I'd chase some of the high rollers around here before I let the Hutt feel me up. He may be rich, but he doesn't know the meaning of the words 'hands off.'”

Her voice dropped to a whisper. “His last mistress was Oola Kingston. She was a lot taller than you, but she was pretty, young, smart, a great dancer. He treated her like a doll he could play with until she got into a huge fight with him.” She frowned. “Oola hasn't been seen since then. Most people around here think she's dead. The Hutt doesn't like it when his toys fight back.”

Leia narrowed her eyes. “I already didn't like him. Now I wish I could take a chain to his neck and choke the daylights out of him.”

Shh!” Rita peered out to the stage, with its glittery gold sunburst and long staircase. “The show's starting!” She smirked at Leia. “Ok, little girl. Let's see what you can do.”

As the recording of “Dreamgirls” played in a faster tempo began, Leia was hard-pressed to keep up with the other women. She liked to dance, but she'd never done a choreographed routine before, and the pace was grueling. Rita nudged her twice when it looked like she was faltering.

The noise level in the room picked up as she noticed four men in dark suits and glasses and carrying bulky walkie-talkies enter. Lance, who had been playing baccarat in a dashing beige suit and cape, pocketed his winnings and slowly sauntered over to watch the new arrival. More men in dark suits were followed by a tall, skinny man in a rather dull gray suit with the pinkest, shiniest bald head Leia had ever seen. The light from the gold and red crystal and wrought-iron chandeliers seemed to glint off it.

That's him.” Rita managed to point to the doorway and make it look like she was pointing to every good-looking man in the audience. “That's the Hutt.”

The man Rita singled out was the ugliest, most grotesque slug of a man Leia had ever seen. Rolls of fat protruded over the immaculate black and white tuxedo. He was a sickly jaundiced gold all over, from his shiny square shoes to a matching shiny black toupee, the finest money could buy. He was so corpulent, the pink bald man pushed him in a jeweled wheelchair. There were three diamond and garnet rings on his fingers that were almost as big as ostrich eggs, with an expensive gold horseshoe clip on his tie. Gold eyes were lost in flabby face with thick lips that dripped with the juice from the crab's legs he ate on his lap.

She wigged her hips and shook her thighs as the second song, an instrumental version of the Desert Sun's theme song “Laptik Nekit,” began. Jasper's eyes never left her. Or, to be more specific, they never left her cleavage. He watched her the entire time, when he wasn't stuffing popcorn in his mouth once he finished the crab legs. Kernels and half-eaten popcorn dropped to the pastel southwestern carpet below him. Frankly, she thought he was the most disgusting thing she'd ever seen in her life, with the worst table manners. No wonder his last mistress left him.

Lance came up to her the moment she finished her routine. “Hey there, gorgeous.” He showed her is gleaming smile under a white straw fedora. He sported a fine beige and brown suit, with new shoes and a white shirt. “You found...him...yet?”

No. And I'm starting to get a little worried.” Leia bit her lip. “I haven't heard anything about where...he...might be. If they've already killed Hank...”

He wouldn't. He's got something planned for Hank. He would rather humiliate people who piss him off before he kills them.” The gambler made a face as he noticed the pink-faced bald man headed their way. “Think I'd better get out of here, before the Hutt's boys get suspicious. You sure you'll be ok?”

Don't worry.” Leia gave him a small grin. “I can take care of myself.”

She had just started across the floor to the dressing rooms when the man with the pink, shiny bald head stepped in front of her. “My boss want to talk to you. He admired your exquisite dancing and would like you to enjoy a small dinner at the Tatoonie Restaurant this evening, after the living statue is unveiled.”

He grabbed her hand, but Leia managed to shake it off. “That's very kind of you,” she began, “but I'm not interested. I already have a prior engagement for dinner.”

Break it.” The man's dark eyes, hidden by rolls of pink flesh, narrowed. “You're making a big mistake, miss. My boss always gets what he wants.”

Babe,” a deep voice rumbled in a thick and rather impenetrable Bronx accent crossed with a hint of Mediterranean, “what takes you so long? I told you I wanted that girl!”

Jasper wheeled his flabby carcass over to the duo. “Well hello there, dolly!” His flabby, wet-lipped smile could barely lift thick cheeks. He grabbed her hand, caressing it with one of his ring-laden, sausage-sized fingers. “'re perfect. You'll be coming with me, doll baby. I'll take care of you, give you everything you could ever want. I'll take you away from this. We'll see Paris, the Riviera.”

I'm not interested.” She yanked her arm away. “Now, if you'd excuse me, I have to rehearse for my next show.”

No one says no to the Hutt.” Jasper's deep growl was almost drowned out by a loud fanfare of drums and trumpets over the loudspeakers. “Besides, you'll wanna see this new act of mine. It's a real killer.”

Babe took her roughly by the shoulders before she could move away. Jasper rolled into the center of the room, near the waterfall, as three men pushed a tall square covered in a thick canvas tarp. “Where's that geek translator? Never any help around when you need it.” The grotesque mob boss slammed his fists on the arms of his wheelchair. “Translator! Hey geek boy, get out here!”

I'm here, sir!” Chip ran out so quickly, he almost toppled over Jasper's wheelchair. “I'm sorry. This place is such a maze! I took a left instead of a right and ended up in the kitchen. They thought I was a waiter, sir! The very nerve! I told that cook...”

I don't fucking care what you told the cook.” Jasper jutted one of his thick fingers at the crowd. “Translate this. It's important. I want all these idiots to understand.”

Chip nodded quickly. “Yes, Mr Hutt. You have mentioned several times that you had a matter of some importance...”

Shaddup. You can talk when I'm ready.” Even just lifting his mountainous body in his chair left Jasper a little breathless. “All right, geek. Now I'm ready.”

The two men got on either side of the tall rectangle as Jasper rolled to the left of it. “Ladies n' gentlemen, and the rest of you who ain't either.” His piggy face positively gleamed with nasty glee. “I'm presentin' the finest livin' statue act anywheres, anyplace. This statue was imported here from a magical old ruin on the coast of Greece. They say the poor sap's was once a great warrior who's been under a spell for the last thousand years or so.” Jasper's fleshy mouth managed to turn up into a demonic smile. “He made the mistake of angering the wizard he worked for, who turned him into a statue. Now, I'm bringin' him back to life, right in these very halls. I might have a little magic ability, ya know.” He nodded at one of the men, who yanked the cloth away. “I give you, the Livin' Statue of the Ancient Kingdom of Corellia!”

Leia threw her hand over her mouth to stifle her shocked gasp. It was Hank! Thank heavens he wasn't really a statue. Not yet, anyway. The “stone” was a soft white powder that coated him from head to toe. His broad, muscular body was totally unclothed, save for part of a tattered toga that strategically covered certain parts of his body. Hair that normally flopped in the breeze had been slicked back under an ancient helmet. He was locked in a cage that shown like pure gold. His head lay on his chest, the whitened eyelids shut.

Jasper managed to produce a set of keys from the folds of fat and pushed it into the padlock on the cage's door. “I'm the descendant of the wizard who cast that spell. I am the only one who can awaken the sleepin' warrior.” Babe rolled him back, allowing him to snap his fingers right under the unconscious fisherman's ear. “Wake up, statue! Your new master's callin' ya.”

Hank opened his eyes...and Leia's widened. The hazel orbs were clouded and unfocused, a far cry from their usual mischievous sparkle. “Yeah, statue. Come on outta there, boy, an' show yourself off for the crowd. Show 'em how pretty you are.”

Her pulse quickened as Hank went into a series of dances, each one designed to show off his muscular physique. Women swooned and moaned. A few even tried to touch the broad chest and sinewy back. His smile seemed too easy, too serene. Leia was sure they'd drugged him, or put him under some type of hypnosis. His movements were loose and free, more like the dances of a man under the influence than a statue released from a spell. He moved perfectly in time to soft, dreamy music and Jasper's waving sausage fingers.

As the music ended, Hank dropped onto his knee before Jasper. Leia was close enough to them to see Jasper yank Hank by his chin. “Ya think you can run out on the Hutt, boy? I told ya what happens to boys who don't pay. I'd dunk ya in cement and make ya a real statue, but the ladies here think you're good-lookin'. I think I like you better like this...under my control, where I can keep an eye on ya.”

Statue,” he said out loud, “return to your cage. It's time for you to sleep.” A wave of his fingers sent a stiff Hank back into his cage. Jasper followed. “Sleep, statue. Sleep until your master commands you to awaken.” Hank's eyes closed, and his breathing became even. The two men moved the cart he was on further back, towards the waterfall. “If you ladies wanna take a gander at him while he's nappin', he'll be on display in the front lobby.”

Leia tried not to show her disgust and horror. “What did you do to that man? He's not a magical statue, I can tell you that much. You should let him go!”

What do you mean, he ain't?” Jasper's smirk chilled her to her bones. “He's a decoration. I like 'em where he is.” He tried to manhandle her fingers. “Now, about dinner...”

Well...” Leia got close to him. “Here's what I think about your dinner.” She reached into his pocket...and kicked him in the shins.

Ow!” Jasper's pig eyes narrowed in fury. “I like 'em with spirit, but that hurt!”

I'm a woman, not a statue, you fat ass!” The glare she threw at him would have sent less strong men at least several feet away in fear. “I told you, I'm not interested. Get that through that flabby head of yours. Good day, sir!” She took off for the Lounge before he could respond.

Charlie hurried over to her from the slot machines as she made her way through the Lounge. “Did you see that? Did you see what that bloody toff did to Hank? He ain't no damn fuckin' conversation piece for the mantel! He was movin' like Jasper really was a magician who had control of his limbs. I'm gonna tear that fat carcass of his limb from limb!”

Shh!” Leia held out a ring of keys. “I swiped these off Jasper when I thought I was trying to play games. I saw him use them to open Hank's cage. You drag Lance from the gaming tables. I'll call my brother. We're going to get him out tonight.”


Shadows played across the hush of the pastel tile floors of the lobby as the last of the die-hard gamblers stumbled away. Only a few janitors vacuumed the casino floor and swept the halls. A single silvery shaft of moonlight fell on the “statue” in the golden cage, making the cage and the prisoner within glow with an almost unnatural light. The tinkling of the waterfall and rustling of the palms surrounding it as the air conditioning system blew cool air over him were the only sounds, covering the soft footsteps in the deep night.

Lance would say he'd be 'back-up.” The waterfall trembled at the deep, almost animal, voice. “Bloody toff's just afraid of soilin' his nice suit.”

Shh!” The other voice was softer and decidedly female. “Do you want anyone to hear you? We have to make this quick, before those security guards in the closet come to.”

I doubt it, lass.” Charlie's massive carcass, sporting a dark Led Zepplin t-shirt and baggy black shorts, stepped out from behind a palm. “We trussed them blighters up good and proper. They won't be seein' anythin' but stars for a while.”

I just hope no one heard us.” The figure in the shadows tugged at her tight black shorts and navy-blue Atlantic City t-shirt, both purchased from Peanut World on the boardwalk that evening. She'd carelessly thrown her hair into a messy braid and covered it with a navy blue paisley bandana. The sneakers with holes in the toes were Luke's, and they were slightly too big for her. With every step, she was afraid she'd leave one behind somewhere. This was hardly the time to play Cinderella.

Leia emerged from behind the plush red velvet and gold wood chairs. Their sled-like curved architecture was made to look like it came from the real Arizona, where Jasper Hutt spent his summers. Most of the lobby followed suit, with round scarlet benches surrounding soft tan and sienna columns and glittering gold and sunset pink crystal chandeliers. The chandeliers cast a low light at this hour, barely enough to show her to Hank's prison.

He looked completely out of place here, an enchanted Greek warrior in a faux-western gilded cage. She stood on tip-toe, her fingers reaching out to caress his marble cheek. “Hank?” Her whispers seemed to blend in with the whispers of the janitors' brooms and the nocturnal birds out on the boardwalk. “Hank? It's Leia. Charlie and I have come to get you out.”

Hurry up, lass!” Charlie stayed by the palms. “I'll keep an eye out for more security guards.”

Leia barely heard him. The moonlight was spreading, giving her enough light to figure out the lock. The moment she heard that tell-tale “click,” she flung the door open. “Hank? Hank, it's me!”

He stood for only a few minutes before toppling to his knees on the floor. The hazel eyes darted around, but they remained unfocused. She dropped to her knees next to him. “Oh Hank...I'm here. We're here. You're not a marble statue Jasper can display and manipulate. You're a man, a real man, and you're with your friends now.” His white fingers drew gently down her cheek, leaving a streak of soft dust that almost blended with her pale skin.

How can I break you out of this?” Her wide lips broke into a smile. “This always worked for the princes in Disney movies.” She cupped his head in her hands and kissed him, kissed him passionately and deeply. After a few minutes, an arm pressed around her, pulling her further into their embrace. Her knees turned to Jello, and her toes tingled.

Hank grabbed her shoulder to steady himself. “I can't see. My sunglasses broke when I fell in the tank. They're prescription. That's why I wear them all the time. My other glasses are in the Wheel House in the Falcon.” He drew a marble finger gently down her neck. “It's all a blur...could it really be...”

She nodded, hugging him as hard as she could. “It's someone who loves you.” She didn't care that she was getting powder all over her new shirt and in her hair. It just felt wonderful to have his strong, comfortable body back in her arms.

They'd pulled into another kiss when a noisy sob broke their reverie. “That's so beautiful!” Charlie dabbed at his watery blue eyes with a napkin from the Espa Coffee Shop. “You know, I think Jasper told that lil' fairy tale of his all wrong. Weren't some wizard who could release the warrior from the spell. He could only control the warrior's body. The fellow's heart belonged to the princess from the next kingdom. She fought past the wizard's advances and broke his spell wit' a kiss.”

Hank chuckled. “You ought to write children's books, pal.” He managed to stumble into Charlie's arms. “Great to see ya again. Well, sort of see ya. At least, great to hear ya.”

You probably just need to get whatever Jasper gave ya out of your system.” His towering navigator put his WWF-worthy arms around his shoulder. “We'll get ya back to the Claridge, then check out. Never did like this town. Too many bloody posers like Jasper, who think they're all high n' mighty when they're really worse bastards n' Vader.”

Come on.” Leia managed to get her arm around his back. “We're getting out of here.”

Why leaving so soon, dolly?” The deep Bronx accent boomed from the shadows, the throaty laughter engulfing the room. “The party's just getting started!”

The trio whirled around to find Babe Fortuna in his striped nightshirt, pushing Jasper in his tailored tuxedo. They were flanked by most of the security guards on the first floor, including the ones they'd left in the closet. Bobby Fett skulked around behind the group, his heavy black gun at the ready. Chip was there, too, his eyes wide with complete terror.

Look, Jasper, I tried to tell you this earlier, but you shoved those pills down my throat instead of listening.” Hank tried for the lopsided grin, but it looked forced. “I was on my way back when I got a little sidetracked. It's not my fault!”

Lay off him, you bloody fat bastard!” Charlie's growl sounded more bear-like by the minute. “We had the damn money...for a while. We just had other things goin' on!”

I'm sick of hearin' that shit from you two.” He nodded at the guards behind him. “Toss Solokowski into the shower and get off that makeup, then lock him and Bachman in the basement. I'll figure out what to do with 'em later.”

I'll pay you triple!” Hank started towards him, but Bobby Fett shoved the gun at his back. “You're throwing away a fortune! Don't be a fool!” It took five guards to hold Charlie's hands behind his back and drag him after his best friend. The gigantic fisherman thrashed and snarled like a captured wild gorilla.

Lance had just grabbed Leia's arm when Jasper's booming laughter cut in. “Hey you, gambler, bring the doll over here.”

He shrugged. “I'm sorry,” the curly-locked gambler whispered into her ear. “I'll get you out of here as soon as I can.”

It'll be all right,” she reassured him. “I can handle myself.”

Lance and the guards pushed her to Jasper. Fortuna shoved her into his boss' lap, letting him wrap his soft, sweaty arms around her waist. “You're so pretty, dolly,” Jasper slobbered in her ear. “I'm going to keep you. You're too beautiful for those polyester and cotton rags. You'll wear jewels...velvet...lace...lots of lace. You're going to be my little dress-up doll. You'll go wherever I go, do whatever I do. I'll never let you out of my sight again.”

She tried to push him away, but he had her hard around the waist. “I have powerful connections! You're going to regret this!”

I'm sure, dolly.” His fingers wove themselves into her velvety mess of a braid. A gasp escaped her lips as he yanked her head closer to his for a slobbery, juicy kiss.

Chip just turned his head away. “I can't bear to watch!”

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