Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Adventures of the Crimson Hawk, Part 27

The ballroom at Nabarrie Palace was the grandest such chamber in all of Naboo, dwarfed only by the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. It was easily as large as ten of Mon Mothma's ballroom. Half-dressed cupids with pursed lips aimed heart-shaped arrows at unsuspecting lovers in loose tunics and togas. Gods and goddesses frolicked among a blue background and sparkling crystal chandeliers. Gold leaf twined around the creamy walls, its metallic ivy and roses almost glowing in the twilight.

The Diamond Jubilee Gala Ball was the major event of the social season in Naboo. Every year, it had a different theme. Luke was grateful that this year, the theme was illusion. Everyone was in the most elaborate costumes money could by. He saw a butterfly with rainbow wings and a prince in a crown and suit with gold braid as he and the others ascended the wide, flowing marble staircase.

A man in orange and white livery met them at the door. “General Hux! It's been weeks since we last saw you! I'm surprised you came to the ball. Prime Minister Palpatine was very insistent that you remain in Endor to keep an eye on the natives there. We heard rumors about an uprising.”

Cedric snorted. “With me in charge? Of course there was no uprising!” He waved a handkerchief at the group behind him. “Please introduce my good friends here as the American ranch owner Mr. Ryan Deckard, his wife Marie, her brother Jack, and Mr. Deckard's bodyguard and manservant.”

Weelll there, son, nice to meet ya!” Henry shook the poor fellow's hand until he was bouncing on the midnight blue carpet. His booming attempt at a Texas accent shook the chandeliers. “Quite a set-up ya got here, quite a set-up! Don't got nothin' like it at my ranch at Abilene.”

Leia coughed and took Henry's hand. “Dearest,” she said in her own best attempt at a western voice, “I don't think the poor fellow wants to be shaken off the stairs. Why don't we go and join that lovely little party in that room they have over there.”

Yeah, darlin'.” He set the poor man upright, shaking him out like he was a rag doll. “Sorry son, just got excited.”

That's...quite all right.” The man turned to announce their arrival to the assembled guests as Charles, the trio, and Cedric made their way through the crowds.

Hold it!” Luke barely had time to turn around before a white light flashed in his face. He waved the smoke out of his face as Jyn's big grin emerged from under the black fabric. “That'll be in this week's morning edition of The Daily Star.

Si.” Cassian whipped out a pencil and paper. “Tell me all about yourself, Mr...”

Ryan Deckard, son. Just in town to visit a friend. Didn't expect a reception like this, huh boy?” He slapped Luke on the back, nearly knocking him to the ground.

Henry,” Luke whispered, “please!”

Sorry, Junior.” Henry almost lifted him bodily off the ground. “I got excited.” He leaned over Cassian. “You and Jyn scope the layout. I'm going to send Charlie to get Rusty and our 'secret weapon.' Wedge and his boys should be here by now. The Rogue towed the Death Star.”

Leia nodded. “So that's why you leaped for that shipping job from Palpatine at the Regatta.”

Of course, sweetheart. It was all part of my plan.” His arm snaked around her. “Of course, the money was nice, too...”

His lover rolled her eyes. “Henry...”

I'm kidding.” Even as he gave Leia a kiss on her nose, the musicians started up an elegant Strauss waltz. Henry bowed gallantly before her. “I'd be honored if Her Grace would have this dance with me.”

Leia curtsied. “I would love nothing more.”

Henry wasn't much of a dancer. He stepped on Leia's toes twice and kept watching his feet. She didn't care. She put her head on his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his strong hands on her satin-covered waist. It almost didn't matter that they were here under assumed names, that they weren't really married ranchers, that they could be arrested or killed if Palpatine and Vader found out who they were. She was here, and her lover was in her arms, and there was beautiful music and the beginnings of silvery moonlight, and that was all she cared about.

As they swirled around the dance floor, she saw others fly by, just as caught up in the music. Jyn and Cassian somehow managed to waltz while lugging a heavy camera bag. Their eyes were more interested in each other than in the people the bag was knocking over. Luke and Wedge, the latter sporting a black and gray Death Star II uniform, waltzed in a corner, away from prying eyes. Ahsoka danced with a handsome gentleman dressed as a musketeer, complete with dashing feather in his wide-brimmed velvet hat and shoulder-length ringlets. A delighted Rusty grabbed hold of Cedric and swung him around the room, ignoring his squawking and complaints about this being undignified.

Charles shook his head at their antics. As Henry swirled by, he gave him a curt nod. Charles nodded back and headed towards the entrances to the garden. He and Rusty were going to organize the “secret weapon” and make sure they arrived in time to stop Palpatine from being crowned.

As the song closed and another began, Leia caught sight of a familiar face standing in another corner, near the refreshment tables. “Henry,” she whispered, “he's here.”

Henry's eyes were closed. His chin rested dreamily on the top of her head. “Uh-huh.”

Henry!” She danced him closer to the corner. “I think Boba Fettson's here.”

Him?” Henry made a face. “He dances worse than I do.”

Leia finally turned him around to where Fettson stood, sipping a cup of lemonade. “There he is! He's impossible to miss. He didn't even bother with the costume.”

Why does he need a costume? He's strange enough as it is.” Henry smirked and danced Leia behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. “Well, hello there, stranger.”

If Fettson hadn't been carrying a pistol almost longer than she was, his quick turn and astonished expression would have been worthy of a chuckle. “Solo. How the hell did you and your white bitch get in here?”

First of all, don't insult my lady,” Henry began in his Texas drawl. “Second, why, I could ask you the same question, son. You ain't exactly the cream of the crop. More like the crumbs.”

I'm keeping rabble like you and Miss Feathers over there out.” He jabbed his gun at Henry's midsection. “Vader's still got a hefty reward out for both of you, and your blond friend, too.” He looked over Henry's shoulder. “Where's the Wookie native? I've never seen you without your buddy skulking around.”

He's busy.” Henry whipped out one of his brass guns, pointing it at Fettson's back. “You're coming with us. We're going to have a little chat outside.”

Leia removed one of her own from under the layers of feathers. “Don't try to run. You're surrounded. Our people are all over the ballroom.”

But they're not with you, are they?” Fettson hit Henry in the chin as hard as he could. He crashed into a table, just as the music ended.

Leia rushed to his side. “Good thing everyone's too busy applauding the musicians to see this.” She pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at his split lip. “Now you really look like a cowboy. We can say this is part of the costume.”

Funny, Your Worship.” He rubbed the back of his battered head. “I wouldn't be surprised if he ran off to tell Vader we're here. We'd better start rounding up the others.”

As she helped Henry to his feet, two soldiers in the orange and white Naboo uniforms with the gold trim alighted the grand staircase, carrying horns nearly the length of their bodies. The sound that blasted from the instruments more closely resembled the horns used to call goats in the Aldra Mountains than anything musical.

The butler who announced them stood between them. He was still holding his ears, his eyes rolled skyward, when he announced in a slightly strangled voice “The crowning of King Samuel Palpatine of Naboo is about to begin!”

That's our cue.” Henry pushed his way through the crowd. “Come on, Your Grace.” He smirked, then said in his silly Texas accent, “We're gonna blow this lil' shindig wide-open, darlin'.”

Henry found Luke at the refreshment table, sipping punch. “I hope that stuff ain't spiked, kid. We're going to need you at full power to take down Vader.”

No, it's not spiked. At least, this bowl isn't.” He nodded at two silver pitchers on the other end of the table. “I did see a man pour a whole flask of whiskey into the carafe on the right. I'd stick to the punch, if I were you.” He put his cup aside. “Did you send Charles to get our...secret weapon?”

Yeah. Rusty went with him.” Henry rolled his eyes. “I don't know why, but Charlie's kinda got fond of those fluffballs.”

Leia chuckled. “You're still mad they were able to string you on that pole.”

Yeah, well,” Henry grumbled, grabbing her hand, “let's get going, before Vader shows up and starts choking everyone.”

Cedric was too busy being the center of attention to notice their departure. Everyone treated him like the dignified, intelligent person he was, not just a mere servant or lackey. He was surprised no one recognized him. Lady Tano and her two proteges even took his photograph and interviewed him about his opinions on Palpatine and what it meant for Naboo. He was half-way through his speech on what he would do if he could run the country when the Spanish man shushed him.

I am sorry, Senor...Hux,” the wiry fellow in the bright blue and red uniform insisted. “but the show, sh is about to begin.”

Miss Erso snapped a magnificent shot of the procession as they strode purposefully down the dark blue carpet. Palpatine's loose ermine and red and black velvet cape and his black and silver uniform with it's blood-red sash and rows and rows of shining medals only served to make him look even more like a snake in ill-fitting skin. He carried his cane in one hand and a jeweled golden sceptor in the other. His neck and fingers were dripping with jeweled medallions and rings with gems the size of goose eggs. Vader was by his side, dour and glowering in his mask and black armor. They were surrounded by men in red and black royal bodyguard uniforms who carried sharp pikes.

The Bishop of Naboo stood at the end in his red and purple robes, ready to give the tradition speech that had crowned each member of the Amidala family as the sole rulers of Naboo...until the Queen and her consort the Baron Skywalker were murdered during the invasion of Naboo, and the rest of her family fled. Cedric had been with Rusty in Alderaan at the time, working for Duke Bail Organa. Bail had done as much as he could to bring in refugees, especially children. Cedric wished he could remember more about that tumultuous time, but he had never had much of a memory. Rusty was constantly reminding him about this event and that face he'd forgotten.

As the Bishop droned on, Cedric's attention was captured by three figures hurrying along the upstairs halls that ringed the ballroom. Flashes of red, gold, and white occasionally blurred into the indigo shadows. A green light sizzled into his vision on the edge of the third floor railing as the Bishop reached for the Crown of Naboo. The crown sat next to a tiara on a red velvet pillow that was there more as a formality than for actual use. Both were gold wound into the shape of river flowers and vines, with topaz and pearl centers and tiny emeralds and diamonds sparkling on the leaves.

And he shall become King Samuel Palpatine the First of Naboo. Long live the king.” The Bishop was just about to place this bauble on the Prime Minister's silver mane...and Cedric was about to fall asleep standing up...when the lights in the chandelier flickered, then died.

As the crowd gasped and screamed, three figures swooped over their heads, swinging on the chandelier. The one in red let out a triumphant “YAHOOOOOOO!” as he grabbed the crown from the Bishop's hand. A smaller hand in a black glove snatched the scepter. The third, this one in gloves of white satin, took the tiara.

YOU!” Palpatine let out a screech as the trio landed safely on the musician's stage. “YOU! The Crimson Hawk!” He turned to Vader and his guards. “Get him! Finish him! Finish them all! I want the Royal Jewels!”

Sorry Your Ancientness, but they're not yours.” Cedric had to remind himself that shaking one's fist in the air in triumph was considered very undignified, not to mention childish. Mr. Solo handed the crown to Mr. Skywalker, placing it on his head. It could be none other but them. He then put the tiara on Duchess Organa's lovely dark hair. All three wore their red, gold, white, and black uniforms and green goggles. “These are the real rulers, the son and daughter of Queen Padme Amidala and Baron Anakin Skywalker.”

Palpatine snorted. “That could hardly be true. Padme was pregnant when we...when Coruscant invaded Naboo, but the children died with her.”

No, Palpatine.” Ahsoka stepped out of the shadows. “Padme lived. She fled with her daughter and gave her son to relatives. Sir Benjamin Kenton and Yoda and I wanted to keep them out of your hands.”

She lies! They all lie! I'm the only ruler here!” He pulled one of the electrical sabers from under his ermine cloak, this one glowing a sickly shade of blood red. “Guards, eliminate these rebels and return my crown!” He turned to his pupil. “Vader, bring me your children!”

Vader bowed low before him. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He turned to the trio on the stage. “Son...Luke...” His voice softened when he came to Leia. “Daughter...I wanted a daughter. I was sure the baby was a girl...”

You,” Leia growled as she dropped the tiara in a bag, “are no father of mine. Bail Organa was more of a father than you ever could be!”

I can handle Skyguy, Luke.” Jyn was helping Ahsoka into the pack for the electrical sabers. “You three get the jewels out of here.” They looked up in time to see ten of Palpatine's red robed guards running straight at them. “Go! Hurry! Find Charles and the secret weapons!”

Right.” Henry grabbed Leia's hand and made for the nearest staircase. Luke lingered, his eyes still on Ahsoka and Vader.

The crowd watched as the older African woman and the half-mechanical man circled each other like lions about to attack. Vader drew his ruby red electrical saber. “Snips,” he snarled, “I should have known you were involved. You may not have betrayed the Jedi like the council claimed, but you would betray your own country.”

You're the one who's betraying their country, Skyguy.” She swept her arms around the room, waving at the people in fine clothes screaming and gasping at their Jedi weapons. “Look around you! Do you know what you've done? Do you know what Palpatine's done? People are terrified for their homes, their lives!”

And the Jedi were any better?” Vader slashed at her. “What did they teach you, Snips? They refused to believe you when another Jedi framed you for murder and wouldn't allow me to become a true master or permit me to sit with the Council. They were mired in the past. This is the future.”

They were my friends! Rex's, too! Don't you remember?” Ahsoka parried another slash.

Luke stopped to watch, even as Henry and Leia made for the stairs. “I loved you like a brother, Anakin. Like a father. You and Ben were the closest things I ever had to fathers! What happened to you? What did you let Palpatine do?”

I became so much wiser.” He finally lunged for her pack, first cutting off the tubes, then the metal covering, exposing wires. “It's clear you still haven't, Snips. I'm sorry, but...my master doesn't want any more rebels getting in his way. I must obey him.”

Ahsoka tried to hold him off, even with her sabers losing power. “No, Skyguy,” she said softly. “You're not like that. You're not like them.”

Snips...” The hands were about to falter when Palpatine's screech rang out through the room.

You ninny! Kill her!” Palpatine held up his own ruby saber. “Or I'll do it myself!”
Jyn's scream and Cassian's loud Spanish obscenities could be heard over the roar of the crowd as Vader slashed Ahsoka's side. The sabers fell from her hands, and she collapsed to the polished wood floor, clutching her wounds. Jyn and Cassian hurried to her.

I don't suppose you'd consider switching sides, Snips. You were always one of the best fencers in the order.” Vader's malevolent presence and heavy breathing floated over her clouded vision. “The Coruscant Army could use someone with your skills.”

Never.” Ahsoka winced as Jyn tore part of her fairy skirt and held it to her friend and mentor's side. “I'm not like you, Skyguy. I don't jump at the first hint of power someone throws in my face.”

You and Kenton were always foolish.” He held the saber over her. “Say good-bye, pupil.”

NOOOO!” Vader was about to deliver the killing blow when a green blade stopped him mid-swing. His son clutched the new sword, his teeth gritted in determination. “Father, you killed one teacher I loved and your own half-brother and sister-in-law. I won't let you kill anyone else who means something to me!”

Luke, get out of the way.” Vader's hissing sounded labored. “I have to get rid of this rebel scum.”

She's your own pupil! Your friend!” He looked over his shoulder. “Jyn, you and Cassian get her to the hospital. I'll handle Vader.”

Jyn frowned as she and Cassian put their arms around Ahsoka, helping the wounded woman to her feet. “Right, mate. Come on, Miss Tano. We have to get you to a doctor, and fast.”

Luke covered their exit, blocking Vader's vigorous swings. “Father, I won't let you do this.”

Son, I want you to come with me. My master wants you to be his apprentice.” His voice lowered. “I want you.”

No, Father.” He finally lowered his blade. “I didn't want to fight you, but you were hurting Lady Tano. She's done nothing to you.”

She's a rebel, and like all rebels, she needs to be destroyed.” Vader nodded as guards gathered around Luke. “My son is with the other rebels. Bring him with us.”

Palpatine cackled. “He'll talk on the Death Star. I have my...ways...of forcing information.”

Luke gazed into Palpatine's yellowish eyes through his green goggles. “You know I won't talk.”

We shall see, my young apprentice.” The crowd gasped as Palpatine sent a purple bolt into the boy, knocking him to the ground.

Vader easily gathered the unconscious youth into his arms as crowds screamed and gasped and pulled away in horror. “Bring him with us.” Palpatine's grin was more like the smile of a serpent about to feed. “He'll be...very useful for us.”

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