Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Adventures of the Crimson Hawk, Part 17

Charles,” Leia began as they neared Theed Town, “how am I going to explain an airship landing in Mon Mothma's backyard? This isn't something you see every day! She may not even have the room.”

So we land at Corellia Manor.” Charles leaped down from his perch on the side of the balloons, where he was checking the rigging. “We actually have an airship dock near the gym building. Not a big one, mind you, but it should work.”

Cedric was gazing across the tops of trees and the dusty roads as they came closer into view. “Uh, pardon me, Your Grace, but it would appear Senator Mothma and the Grand Duchess have guests.” He winced as gunfire was heard below. “Rather uncouth and unwanted guests, from the sound of things.”

Charles was at the slender secretary's side in an instant with the brass binoculars Henry had built. “He's right, Your Grace. We have a major problem. The Coruscant military is down there. I see 'em at Corellia Manor, too. I'd know those big, bulky battle carriages anywhere.”

Charles, we have to get down there!” Leia pulled a lever, calming the bubbling khyber liquid. “Mon Mothma and Aunt Breha could be in big trouble. I doubt the Coruscant military is there for an afternoon of tea, cakes, and gossip!”

Cedric's face fell. “Does this mean I won't be able to get my change of clothes and a bath?”

No.” Leia pulled them closer. “It means The League of the Crimson Hawk is going to fly again.”

It wasn't easy to stealthily land an airship on the lawn of Corellia Manor, but they somehow managed to pull it off. Leia had traded her red gown for a white shirt and trousers that belonged to Luke and Han's black vest with the silver braiding and buttons, shoving her hair under a hood and goggles. Charles pulled on his valet's uniform and threw a dark cape over Cedric's narrow shoulders.

This is most embarrassing.” He sniffed noisily at the cape, his nose wrinkling in distaste. “Couldn't you have washed this before you gave it to me? It smells like a sweating dog on a hot summer day.”

We don't have time, mate.” Charles pulled the hood over his head. “Henry's clothing and mine are too broad in the shoulders for you, and Luke's is too short.”

Both mansions were crawling with soldiers. Leia had to duck around several corners, Cedric following nervously behind. Charles lead them through several holes in the hedges in the untidy gardens at Corellia Manor. “These have been here forever,” Charles explained, “at least since Quenton Jinn lived in this house. I think Luke and Wedge use 'em to send messages and get together without bein' seen nowadays.” The hedges were very dense and very low. Leia had to push hard in a few places to get Charles under them.

Cedric managed to engage the guards at the back door to the servant's entrance in a long, boring conversation long enough for Charles to grab them by the arms and whack their heads together. They slid to the ground, unconscious. Leia used a hair pin to jimmy the lock, getting them in.

Would anyone mind terribly,” Cedric whispered as they tiptoed down the dark service hallway, “if I went upstairs to my room, changed, and took a bath? I've been wearing the same clothes for days, and Charles kept using up all the hot water on the Falcon. I never got a decent bath!”

We can't stop and get anything, Cedric.” Leia waved to hush him as they came out into the kitchen. “There isn't time.”

Besides mate,” Charles added, “Vader and his boys will recognize us from Bespin.”

We're lucky the Cook must have gone into the pantry to get tonight's dinner.” Leia peered into the main downstairs hall. “All clear. Come on, boys.”

Excuse me, Your Grace,” Cedric fretted as he followed Charles, “but where are we going?”

Leia popped her head around another corner. “We're going to rescue my aunt and Mon Mothma. I doubt they'll have hurt them. Mon Mothma is the senator for the Theed District. My aunt is Grand Duchess of Alderaan. It's more likely they'll hold them for ransom or try to get information from them.”

Charles smirked as Hux, resplendent in his dark gray Coruscant officer's uniform, made his way down the hall. The moment he came close to them, he grabbed Hux by the shoulders and dragged him into the corner.

Vader was right.” Hux's sneer was a tight line on his pale, handsome face. “He said you would come back for your aunt. How sweet of you.”

The sneer faltered when a long nickel-plated rifle was shoved under his chin. Leia's brown eyes blazed. “Where are my aunt and Mon Mothma?”

Charles wrapped his arm around his thin neck. “Better talk, mate. Her Grace is not terribly pleasant to people who don't do what she says.”

Hux's sneer returned. “I don't know.”

We don't have time for this.” Leia moved the barrel of the gun further down Hux's chest. “Charles, give this man one of your little squeezes. Our friend here loves to squeeze the life out of snotty prigs like you.”

Serious...seriously!” Hux gasped as Charles' arm pulled tightly around his throat. “I don't know...where...they...are! They...escaped!”

Escaped?” Even Cedric looked angry now. “You imprisoned two unarmed women?”

Hux gasped, his face turning a rich shade of deep purple. “Involved....with...rebels! Needed..information...never got it...no time. Rebels...let them...out...”

Where are they now?” Leia pushed the rifle harder. “Look, you stuck-up worm, I'm about two steps from shoving this up your skinny rear end. Tell me where they are now, and I might be kind and not let Mr. Bacca tear your head off.”

A door screeched slightly behind her...but there was no door behind her, just wall. Leia swung her rifle around to see what made the noise and almost took Ahsoka's nose off. She gently pushed the barrel away, shaking her head.

Hello to you too, Leia.” The slim African woman pulled out her yellow electrical swords. “Sorry about the noise. I doubt anyone's oiled the hinges on the door to the secret passages in decades.”

Cedric was half-in the passage, his rear and long legs sticking out. “I've heard rumors that there were unknown tunnels in the walls of this dwelling, but I never truly believed them until now.”

Mon Mothma stepped out next, her fine white and gold suit barely smudged. “We're fine, Leia. Ahsoka and her people got us into the tunnels before this little ass could do any damage.”

Leia!” Aunt Breha almost leaped out of the tunnel. “You're alive!” She threw her arms around her niece, who embraced her as hard as she could. “Where have you been for the past two weeks? You scared me half to death, running off like that! You could have at least sent a telegram! And where's Henry? No one's seen him for the last two weeks, either.”

I'll explain everything on the way to Lothal.” Leia finally pulled away from her aunt, taking in her slightly torn dark red suit with its gold lace collar and maroon tassels. “What happened? Did they hurt you?”

I believe they were going to.” She nodded at Cassian and Jyn as they came out, covered in dust and sporting guns, but otherwise unharmed. “At least until these three burst in, claiming they wanted an interview.”

Jyn had her camera under her arm. “You wouldn't believe how much arsenal a woman can hide in her photography bag.”

Charles had a hand over Hux's mouth. “What are we going to do about this red rodent?”

Leia smirked. “Mon, where's the nearest garbage dump?”

There's a compost heap behind the house.” The copper-haired politician raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “Why?”

Charles shared Leia's rather nasty grin. “Perfect. We'll drop him off there on the Falcon.”

No!” Hux screamed as another patrol of Coruscant soldiers passed. “Over here, you ninnies! They're trying to kidnap me!”

Cassian grinned. “I believe we can take care of this, my Jyn. We will meet the rest of you outside.”

Jyn's smile was even wider. “Haven't had a good fight with the Coruscant Army in a long time.”

We're at Corellia Manor.” Leia fired at two men, knocking them into the wall. “Our ship is in the backyard.”

I'll cover for you.” Ahsoka tossed Hux's sleek pistol to Cedric. “Here, secretary. Make yourself useful for once.”

I don't know the first thing about firing a gun!” A bullet whizzed over him, just parting his gold hair. “But there's no better time like the present to learn!” He closed his eyes tightly and shot the first things that sounded menacing. When he opened them, a pile of six men were smacked against the opposite wall.

Oh dear.” Cedric gulped. “I hope I didn't hurt them too badly!”

He went to dust the first man off, but Ahsoka grabbed his arm. “No time! We have to get out of here.” She raised an eyebrow as they fled down the hall. “I thought you said you couldn't shoot!”

I can't!” Cedric shrugged. “Or I thought I couldn't. I guess I have more hidden talents than I previously surmised...ow!” He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran smack into an ornate wall. “Oh, my poor beautiful nose! Is it broken?”

Ahsoka sighed and shook her head. “No, it's fine. Might be a little bruised.” She stabbed two men who came after them and disarmed a third. “Let's go, before the others think the soldiers got us.”

Jyn and Cassian were the last ones under the hedge. “There's still more coming, senors.” The small Spanish reporter almost dove up the gangplank. Jyn followed more slowly, encumbered by her camera and bag. “We'll have to leave right away.”

Jyn stowed her camera in a trunk in the captain's cabin. “That's better.” She was brushing leaves off her lavender suit when she joined the others. “So, where's this tub off to, anyway?”

Lothal.” Charles held Hux by his collar. “But first, we have to dump some heavy baggage.”

Baggage?” Hux was twisting this way and that, loudly trying to escape the Wookie native's vise-like grip. “I'm one of the top generals in the Coruscant Navy, you over grown ape!”

You're still not a nice man.” The towering native looked over the side. “Ok, Leia, you can stop here.”

What do you...no!” Hux screamed like a small child as Charles held him over the edge. “Don't throw me down there! I'll break my neck...and worse, ruin my uniform!”

Oh, hush. I'm doing this for your own good. Maybe next time, you'll learn to be a better house guest.” Charles tipped him off the side, tossing him into the heaping mountain of old vegetable tops, hard cheese rinds, and other stinky trash below them. Hux shook his lettuce-covered fist at the Falcon as it floated off into the distance.

Mon Mothma peered over the side with a small grin of her own. “I have to admit, he deserved it. He was a very poor guest.”

Aunt Breha joined her niece at the ship's wheel. “When did you learn to drive an airship? Bail won't even let you drive those new steam cars yet at home.”

Henry taught me.” Leia looked over the navigational equipment. She didn't want her aunt to see the hurt in her eyes. “We're going to Lothal to catch up with Luke and a friend of ours. Luke had some injuries he had to get looked at. As soon as he's well enough, we're going after Henry. Vader arrested him and sent him to jail on the Tatoonie Islands.”

I'd say I don't want you anywhere near those crime-infested ant hills.” Breha shook her head. “I also know that stubborn look. Your uncle gets that same look when he wants to do something and won't let me talk him out of it.” She gave her niece a fond kiss on the cheek. “Just be careful.”

Leia gave her aunt a one-handed hug. “I will. I promise.”


Luke spent most of their ride to Lothal resting and kind of bored. Rusty insisted on doing the navigating. “You just lay down there, kid.” He patted Luke's shoulder. “We have everything under control.”

He did appreciate the time getting to know Langdon and Rusty better. They played cards in the evening, with Langdon winning most of the time. “Well, I'm out.” Rusty tossed his hand aside a night almost a week after their daring escape from Bespin.

It's just you n' me, young one.” Langdon took two cards. “You know, you're not bad at this. Where did you learn poker, Henry?”

Henry, Rusty, and Charles.” Luke took one card. “We played a lot when Henry was in the hospital. It took his mind off of...things.”

Rusty frowned as Luke's head lowered. “Stop blamin' yourself. Henry should have paid off that debt years ago. He knew what he was getting into.”

Luke tried to imitate Langdon's unreadable expression, but he couldn't help the tears in his eyes. “Vader was after me. He hurt three of my closest friends, because of ME. If I'd just stayed in Dagobah...”

He still would have been after you.” Langdon put his cards down. “Kid, we all make mistakes. Henry should have been more careful about being followed. I shouldn't have let Vader play me for a fool.” He took another card. “The point is, you can wallow in anger forever...or you do something about it.” He spread out his cards. “And here's the winning hand. Four up, aces high.”

Three pair.” Luke threw down his cards. “How do you do it?”

Lots of experience. I've been gambling since I was old enough to know a diamond from a club.” He swept the cards into a small lacquered box as he looked out the window. “I think we're just about in Lothal. Any ideas on where to park this thing?”

Rusty was already pushing chairs back into place. “Not a clue. The hangar in the junk yard is probably swarming with Coruscant troops by now. We can't go back there.”

Luke swung his legs out of bed, glad Henry had installed carpet in his room. It felt so much better on his bare toes. “I know where we can go.” He pulled on a pair of too-big leather slippers that belonged to Henry. “There's a sheltered cove by the fisherman's marinas that should be big enough for the Rogue. I know a few friends who are docked there...”


Charles took over the Falcon's wheel so Leia could spend some time with her aunt before they arrived at the hospital. Leia explained everything that had happened since the Regatta, ending with their escape from Cloud City and the attempt to aid those held hostage at Chalindria Court.

You really love him.” Breha took her hand. “You do know he's not a nobleman or any kind of royalty, and from what Mon Mothma says, he's not the most trustworthy person.”

I don't care.” Her delicate face was grave. “I've never loved any man like this before.” A dreamy smile played on her lips. “You should see him, Auntie. He came up with the whole Crimson Hawk scheme, just to help a friend and the Wookie natives. He, Luke, Charles, Rusty, and Sir Kenton built this ship and all of the weapons and other equipment they use. He's so brilliant, and kind, and...”

She laughed. “Leia, if he's what you want, I approve. I don't think Bail will object too much, either. And if he does,” the older woman gave her a small grin, “I'll remind him how he started as a country lawyer with barely two cents to rub together before he married me!”

They landed at the coves by the fishermen's docks in Lothal, next to the Rogue, a few minutes later. Hera and Chopper were already there, tying the airship down to keep it from flying away in errant breezes. “Mon Mothma!” She hurried over as soon as she double-knotted the last cable. “I'm so glad you got away. We heard about the government takeover of Chalindria Court.”

Do not worry, Senora Sylendulla.” Cassian beamed, taking Jyn's hand. “We are all heroes here. We save Grand Duchess and Senator, and Young Duchess and friends, they save us!”

Chopper, the little man with the orange-y skin, snorted. “That's nice to know.” He looked up from his knot. “Rusty and the Negro in the expensive suit took Luke to the hospital. They're getting him looked at now. Told Rusty he should have watched over his employers better.”

Chopper, lay off.” Hera dusted her hands off on her simple blue skirt. “It wasn't his fault.” The tall captain made her way to the docks. “Our carriages are just off the marina. Chopper borrowed a second one from a friend. There's too many of you to fit in our rig.”

Jyn grinned at Cassian. “I call the window seat!”

No, you do not!” He grabbed her collar. “You get it last time!”

Hey! Not fair!” Jyn wiggled out of his grasp. “Race you to the rigs!”

Ahsoka sighed. “I thought I hired adults, not children.” She looked over her shoulder at dark clouds overhead. “Oh Skyguy. I wish you could see them all. I wish things hadn't turned out...like they did.”

A cool breeze from the river drifted over her face. For a moment, she almost thought she heard her former master's voice, over the explosions from the cannons, telling her that everything was going to be fine, that they would get those guys this time.

She barely noticed a slim hand shake her shoulder. “Hey Ahsoka.” Leia gave her a gentle smile. “Are you all right?”

I'm fine.” The reporter put her arm around the younger woman. “Let's go, before all the good seats in those rigs are taken and we end up on your Wookie friend's lap.”


Leia was grateful that Dr. Kalonia was a friend of Mon Mothma's and had managed to sneak them all in Luke's room. Langdon and Rusty were already in the waiting room when they arrived. The moment she said he was up to accepting visitors, they all charged in.

You poor boy!” Aunt Breha went to his bed first. “Leia told me about your hand. I feel dreadful for you. If there's anything Bail and I can do...”

It's not so bad. See?” Luke held up his new hand, made of warm, coppery metal. “There's so much I can do with it! Maybe I could build a light gun into this thing or something...”

Rusty beamed. “That's m'boy. Robot Man gives him a lickin', an' he's talkin' about puttin' light blades into his fingers. I'm proud of you, kid.”

Hola, Senor Skywalker.” Cassian waved from the back as Jyn set up her camera to take a few shots. “We are glad you are doing well. It is not good, what Vader do to you. I wish there was way we could help.”

There is.” Luke held up his hand and the others gathered in as Jyn snapped the photo. “We're going to need as many people as we can to rescue Henry.” He coughed a bit as the British girl cursed and opened a window to let the smoke from her camera out.

I've been to the Tatoonie Islands. The Jedi actually helped Jenkins once. We rescued his baby son Rowan from a rival crime clan.” Ahsoka held her nose. “Was that little guy stinky! I spent half the time my master and I were on the run changing his nappy.” She chuckled. “Point is, I know Jenkins' casino well enough to remember how to get in.”

I've played cards in his casino a couple of times.” Langdon sat on the other side of the bed. “I can't go there like this. I'm too well-known. But if I were to join the casino security force...”

We could do the same.” Rusty threw his arm around Cedric. “Hire ourselves out to Fatkins as a waiter and translator. He doesn't know us.”

I already have a perfectly good job!” Cedric pushed him away. “Besides, I've had nightmares about what Mr. Huttman does to his captives when I'm not in his employ, working right alongside him!”

It would only be temporary, Cedric.” Mon Mothma interjected. “Breha and I will remain in the channels near Anchorhead with the Ghost crew as back-up.”

Breha fluttered her slightly tattered fan. “We'll see if we can recruit other Rebel Society members to help. Admiral Ackbar is probably on the Calamari River with his men right now. He always did like a good tactical battle.”

Leia leaned into Luke with a smile. “So, Golden Eagle, what's the plan?”

Aunt Breha nudged her when Luke's tanned cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. “Well,” he began, “here's what we're going to do...”

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