Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Rebel League and the Death Ray, Part 5

Ben lead them through the twisting corridors of the former Mufasar Iron Works. He seemed to know where he was going, and it was a good thing. Luke was sure they would have never figured that place out on their own. The halls had more rooms than the Timely Building at Coruscant University. At least the halls were mostly in better shape than the outside, with modern computer equipment, polished wood flooring, and repaired ceiling tiles. If anyone asked Rusty, he claimed he was a health inspector, and Chewbacca was his attack dog. Chewie growled and tried his best to look mean.

“How do they deal with this on a daily basis?” Luke complained. “This uniform is too tight, and I can't see a thing in the helmet!”

“I agree,” Charlie whined as he nearly stumbled into the wall. “They could have designed these better. No wonder the Shadow Men are notoriously poor shots. They can't see where they're shooting!”

“If this is what it's like to be a super villain, they can have it,” Harris grumbled as he shot the lock on the door at the end of the hall. “No wonder Superman always beats the pants off Lex Luthor. He can't move in his gadgets.” Everyone followed him as he stormed into a large room filled with rows of blinking green-lined computer panels. “If I ever became a superhero, I'd make armor that was more flexible. More like what Batman wears, but not blue tights.”

Luke made a face as he pulled off his helmet. “Could we talk fashion later? Between the dog's howling and your blasting everything, it's a wonder no one's tried arresting us yet.”

“You think I'm enjoying this?” The older man swiped at a computer console. “I prefer a straight fight to sneaking around.”

Rudy sat down at one of the consoles and started plugging away. Charlie leaned over his shoulder. “Do be careful,” he warned his shorter friend. “This is a more advanced system than you've ever dealt with. If they know you've been fiddling with it...”

“Ehh, this is a piece of cake.” The shorter man snickered as he tapped away at the shiny keyboard. “Anything you guys want to see? I could call up Hollywood Squares re-runs.”

Ben leaned over him. “What I want to see is the area where the main electrical switch is. There has to be something that will shut down the power.”

The others were silent as Rudy clicked. “Looks like the main generator is downstairs, Level A, Room 15, just off the main room.”

“I'd better go alone.” Ben patted his own sword by his side. “I'll be able to do this easier on my own.”

“Whatever.” Harris was looking out the door. “I've had enough excitement to last me ten years. I'm not going anywhere.” Chewbacca barked in agreement before sniffing around, making sure none of those bad men in white were nearby.

Luke wasn't as convinced. “I want to go with you.”

“No, Luke. I want you to stay here.” The older man leaned in and added softly. “If I don't get out, I want you to find Yoda Yamoda, my old mentor. Tell him the Negotiator sent you. He lives in Dagobah, near the Troma Marsh Reserve.” He put a hand on Luke's shoulder. “Remember, your powers chose you and your family to do great things. Those powers will be with you. Always.”

“Do be careful, Mr. MacKenner,” Charlie fretted. “Watch out for guards and loose floorboards. Who knows what might be lurking around the corners in a place like this?”

Rudy continued to click away on the computer. “Yeah, Benny. Don't do anything Tony would do.”

“Oh, don't worry.” The older man chuckled. “I won't.”

Chewie let out a bark that sounded distinctly derogatory as the older man left. “You said it, boy.” His owner scratched him between the ears. “Where did you dig up that relic?”

“Ben is a great man!” Luke shot back. “He was in World War II, you know!”

“And I was in Vietnam.” Harris made a face. “He's crazy if he thinks we're just going to sit around and wait for everyone to get off lunch. I say we get out of here, before there's more trouble.”

Charlie watched nervously as the two men glared at each other. “Who do you think you are?” The younger one shot back.

Harris crossed his arms and smirked. “Someone with a lot more common sense than the rest of you.”

“Would you two shove it?” Rudy looked over his shoulder at them, a grin spreading across his face. “Guys, I found her! She's here!” He bounced around in his seat like a child. “She's here!”

Luke sprinted over first. “Who's here?”

“Force Girl!” The little man's grin fell as he tapped away. “She's right along this hall, in room 6!”

Luke gasped. “Oh no! We can't let that happen! We have to rescue her!”

“Are you crazy?” Harris plopped down next to Rudy and somehow managed to lift his long legs onto the console despite the jumpsuit. “I'm not throwing my neck or Chewie's into the fire.” The big furry mutt barked at his name.

“They could be killing her right now!” That was when Luke turned to him with a small grin of his own. “You know, she's rich. Her father was one of the most powerful men in town. If you rescue her, the reward would be...astronomical! More than you can imagine!”

“I can imagine a lot.” Harris crossed his arms and stuck out his lip, looking even grumpier than usual. “I don't play Batman for nothin', you know.”

“You'll get any reward you want. I swear!” Luke looked up as voices were heard in the hall. “Could you and Charlie handle those men? I'll go get her!” He threw his helmet on and dashed down the hall, ignoring Charlie's wails and Harris' snarls of protest.

It was easy to find Room 6. Water was leaking out of it like that old pipe in the sink in Uncle Owen's workshop. His feet slipped on the puddle at the bottom. “Have to be careful,” he muttered as he concentrated on getting his sword to work. Once the light sizzled, he brought it down on the knob with one whack, then cut through the rest of the iron door.

Whoosh! A small tsunami of brownish liquid sent him tumbling into the wall. A sopping wet, coughing figure in a chair flowed right into him. Big brown eyes stared right at his as the chair nearly squashed his knee.

“You're a bit short for a Shadow Man, aren't you?” the girl managed to get out between hacking up water.

His mouth worked, but nothing came out. Even dripping wet, she was gorgeous. Tendrils of brown hair escaped from the two buns on either side of her head and curled around her porcelain neck. Full red lips spoke in a voice that sounded like honey on the honeycomb. It took Luke a few minutes to shake off this vision of beauty – not to mention shake the water out of his hair and ears - and remember where he was and what they were doing.

“Oh! Um, yeah. The uniform.” He tugged the helmet off and threw it aside. “I'm Luke Skylander. My friends and I are here to rescue you.” He started tugging at the ropes around her wrist. The water had made them expand and cling together.

The girl – Force Girl – just blinked. “You're whom? Don't I know you from somewhere?”

“I'm here with Rusty and Charlie, from the Rebel League.” He hurried down the hall as soon as she was free. “They've got the plans. I'm here with Ben...the Negotiator...sorry we took so long...”

“The Negotiator!” She was already pushing her buns under a white hood and red mask. “Let's go! I need to talk to him.”

They were dodging bullets, even before they waded through the mess the water left in the halls and returned to the slightly damp computer room. “What were they doing to you in there, anyway?”

“Trying to drown me.” Leia ducked under the hail of bullets, raising her hands in front of her chest. To Luke's surprise, fire shot out of them, making two men run down the hall and melting three consoles. “Oh, damn! I wanted to burn them. Now they're going to sound the alarm.”

“Nice going, doll.” Harris pulled a gun out of his armor. “Good thing I always bring my own.” He tossed a gun to Luke, then to Leia. “You know how to handle these, sweetheart?”

Leia raised an eyebrow. “I think I have the general idea.” Instead of bullets, a hail of sticky goo rained out of her gun. The man was so covered in brownish gunk, he could barely move. She smirked and shot three more in succession, then shot around the floor in front of them. Thee more Men running in the door were stuck up to their ankles in thick goo.

“Nice work, Your Force-ship.” Harris pulled a smaller gun out of his boot. “Here, kid. See what you can do with this.”

“Groovy!” Luke raised the gun, making “pow!” sound effects. Small pellets shot out, exploding when they hit a man and flung them against the wall. Chewie leaped on several men, knocking them over.

“What is all this?” The girl in the white and red jumpsuit glared at Harris. “I'm assuming lunchtime is over?”

Harris shrugged, a little sheepishly. “Ok, so I had a hard time convincing these guys over the intercom that I was one of them. I was never really good with authority.”

“So I see.” She tossed her weapon to Rudy, then aimed her fire up at a small grate in the wall. It burned the grate, revealing an opening. She shot another man, heating up his weapon and burning his fingers, before turning her flashing dark eyes under their mask to Harris. “Into the air duct, Batman! Charlie, help me remove the rest of the grate!”

“This may work for you,” Charlie fussed as he awkwardly tugged the burnt pieces out, blowing on his fingers, “but what about the rest of us? I'm not climbing around in there!”

Her head popped out of the grate. “You and Rudy cover us. We'll meet you back at the front gate.”

“Sounds good to me.” Rudy grinned and shot two more men, who stuck together and couldn't take a step forward without falling into each other. “You boys need to learn a little bit about teamwork!” He grabbed Charlie. “Come on! We'll storm the gate! We'll take no prisoners!”

His taller friend groaned. “I'm going to regret this!”

Harris helped Luke into the grate, then shoved Chewie in behind him. “Get in there, you goof!” A whimper echoed from inside the grate. “I don't care what you smell! Follow the kid and the girl!” He took a few last shots with his own gun, grabbed a chair, and just managed to shimmy into the grate himself.

“Where are we?” he muttered as he crawled down a damp, narrow tunnel. “Where are we going? I have a crick in my neck the size of Chewie.” His pet barked at the mention of his name.

“Oh, stop complaining.” Leia turned a corner. “I got us out of there, didn't I?”

Luke wiped his brow. “Is it me, or is it hot in here?”

“Wait.” Leia used her heat to burn the bars on another grate and make them disintegrate. “This is our stop, boys.”

They crawled out behind the biggest furnace Luke had ever seen. Rubber and clear plastic hoses directed energy from a giant metal oven in the center of the room. Glowing green rocks were loaded in piles on one side of the wall. The light from the oven was a sickly pale, flickering green.

“Whew!” Harris wiped his forehead. Chewie whimpered. “No kidding. You would lead us into literal hell, Your Worship. It's not going to take them long to figure out what's going on in here.”

Leia shrugged. She actually seemed a bit perkier, her pink cheeks almost as radiant as the oven. “Feels fine in here to me. Besides, it could be worse.”

Harris picked up one of the rocks. “Please tell me this isn't kryptonite.”

“No, it's not.” Leia swept one into her hand before Chewbacca could eat it. “It's khyber crystal. According to the comics, the Jedi used to use it to amplify their powers. After they were killed off, what little remained was sent off to be mined into ore for lasers and hush-hush weapons.”

That was when a rumble under their feet nearly sent all of them to the floor. Chewbacca let out a howl that nearly matched his owner's. “What the hell was that?” Harris shot at the wall, but the bullet barely made a dent.

“This used to be an iron factory!” Luke wailed. “Even a bullet couldn't get through that!”

“Maybe not a bullet.” Leia held up her hand and closed her eyes, focusing on the wall. A stream of fire shot from her fingers, burning a small hole. “Don't just stand there! You,” she pointed the finger that wasn't shooting fire at Harris, “see if you can find something to brace the walls with.”

“Don't order me around, Your Worship!” Harris grumbled, even as he managed to wrench a metal tube from the wall. Chewbacca got on his hind legs and shoved his big paws as hard as he could. “I was gonna do that anyway.”

Luke backed into a sunlit window that hadn't been covered by the moving wall. He lifted his sword, then let loose with a stream of his own light. He felt warm down to his toes, and it wasn't just from the furnace and the adrenaline.

“You're a light power Leaguer?” Leia opened one very surprised brown eye. “Why didn't you say so upstairs?”

He shrugged. “I never had the chance.”

The wall kept grinding along, crushing crystal in loud crackling sounds. They all had to move away from the shattered crystal to avoid getting badly cut. Chewbacca howled when he stepped on one and moved next to Harris, who was now shooting at the wall with his ice gun, trying to make it shrink and crack. The heat melted the ice before it could do much damage.

“Wait!” Luke pushed past Harris to a small box on a wall. “The intercom!” He pressed the button and practically screamed into it. “Hello? Anyone? We're trapped in the furnace room!”

“Luke?” Charlie's voice came across in a burst of screechy static. “Where are you? We managed to get back to the main control room. We've had the worst time with the guards...”

He didn't give him a chance to complain. “Tell Rudy to shut down the furnace room! NOW!”

Rudy's low voice could be heard in the background, a weird echo as he asked his buddy what was going on. “Don't ask me silly questions!” Charlie wailed. “Just shut it down! Hurry!”

No sooner was it done than the wall ground to a halt, inches from the furnace. The wall in front of Leia chose the same time to fall forward, revealing a dark, dingy hallway. Leia unthinkingly threw herself into Harris' arms, while Chewbacca howled happily behind him.

“Oh no!” Charlie was sobbing in the background. “They're dying, Rudy! I wasn't fast enough!”

Luke managed to stop cheering and jumping around long enough to respond. “We're all right! It's ok! We're alive! Where are we, anyway?”

The intercom crackled and spit as Charlie's prim British accent came over the airwaves. “You're on the ground floor, Level 0, building 1. It seems to be used primarily by maintenance workers, mechanics, and janitors who repair the machinery and deliver the khyber crystal and cleaning supplies here.”

“Thanks, Charlie!” Luke leaned on the intercom. “We'll meet you upstairs as soon as we can. You're a real peach!” He switched off the intercom, cutting off Rudy's laughter and Charlie's protest that he wasn't a fruit, he was a human being.

By the time he'd turned back to the others, Leia had finished burning a hole through the wall large enough for all of them to make it through. “Ok, so I hugged you when the wall stopped,” she snapped testily. “I was happy to be alive and not thinking.”

Harris smirked as he stripped off his armor, revealing the black bodysuit underneath. “Sure, that's what they all say.”

Chewbacca sniffed at Leia as she pulled off her hood and twisted her sagging hair back into buns. “Enough, Batman. If we all want to get out of here, from now on, you do as I tell you, ok? I'm the only one who knows my way around in here, or how to deal with Vader and the Shadow Men.”

“Look, fire princess, let's get one thing straight,” Harris snapped. “I take orders from one person, and one person only – me. I'm my own boss.”

“It's a wonder you're still alive.” Leia shoved Chewbacca away from her rear as she yanked her hood back on. “Would you get your giant walking carpet out of my way?”

“Chewie, come here!” His owner grabbed his collar as Leia stormed past them. “No reward is worth this abuse!” he grumbled as Luke followed him.

The younger man sighed. “She does have a point. We have no idea where we're going. She does. She's been here at least a little longer than we have.”

“Fine,” Harris muttered. “I'll follow her. But I'm not taking any more orders. I'm not some pretty boy from her college classes she can order around.”

“That's all I ask.” Luke sighed. “Just...try to get along with her, ok?”

Harris made a face. “I'm not making any promises, kid.”

Mufasar Iron Works was the twistiest, blackest maze Luke had ever seen. Even the industrial lighting couldn't make the metal walls much brighter. He couldn't take his eyes off Leia as she lead them up three flights of stairs, waving at them to hide around corners whenever they saw troops of Shadow Men or Empire officers. Harris shot at two of them, knocking them into the wall; Chewie ran under the legs of another, sending him crashing downstairs.

They finally stopped to catch their breaths at the catwalk over the main entrance and garage. The Falcon was parked to one side, not looking too different from the delivery vans that made up the rest of the row. Shadow Men and men in gray jumpsuits bustled around, bringing packages of crystal to a loading dock.

“That's how we're getting out of here.” Harris pointed to his prized vehicle. “Meet my baby, Fire Princess.”

“You came in that thing?” Leia wrinkled her nose. “You're braver than I thought.”

Harris rolled his eyes. “Funny.” He flipped on the nearest intercom. “Hey Goldenrod, you and the short guy there?”

“Mr. Arietta?” Charlie's British accent piped over the box. “I'm so glad to hear from you. We had a few, er, problems with the Shadow Men and had to abandon our post. We're in what appears to be Dr. Tarkin's office, just off the main lobby and garage.”

Luke was leaning over the edge near Harris. “I think we're right above them.”

They'd just started down the hall towards the nearest set of metal stairs when they ran almost head-on into a pack of Shadow Men. Harris drew his gun and shot at them almost immediately. “Get out of here!” he hollered over his shoulder. “Get to the ship!” Chewbacca leaped on one of the men, knocking him to the ground, before taking off after his master.

Leia's eyes were shining. “I have to give your friend credit. He's an idiot, but he certainly has courage.”

“What good is it going to do if he gets killed?” Luke muttered. He pushed Leia in the opposite direction before the soldier got to his feet.

The Mufasar Iron Works gave the impression of not having had much work done on it before the Empire took over The machinery was up-to-date, but a lot of the catwalks and rooms without computer equipment in them were unfinished and falling apart. It was more likely that Vader had just moved in when he realized it was empty and available.

“Whoa!” Luke nearly ran straight off one of the unfinished catwalks. It looked like the other part had rusted away. “I think we took a wrong turn.”

He ducked as more shooting could be heard from the other side of the hall. Leia just stood at the edge of the catwalk and closed her eyes. “What are you doing?” Luke shot gunk at two of the men. “We have to get out of here!”

“We will.” She patted her back. “Get on. I'm going to get us out of here. Or at least, down to the surface.”

“How?” He dug at the utility belt he'd swiped from the Shadow Man they'd attacked earlier. “I don't exactly have any rope on me!”

Even as he spoke, a soft flame was building under Leia's booted feet. “Grab my back.”

“Well, all right.” He threw his arms around Leia's neck. “But what if we fall down and break something? My aunt doesn't have health insurance, and I really can't afford...”

“We'll be fine.” Her arms went out to her sides, like an airplane. Fire spread all up and down her arms and lower legs, giving her the look of a tiny winged phoenix. “All right. Hold on. I'm taking off!”

Luke's eyes widened. He'd barely gotten out a sputtered “Wait, what?” before she leaped off the catwalk!

He shut his eyes as tight as possible and waited for them to go splat on the ground. It was a few minutes before he realized that, not only were his bones not broken in sixty million places, but he felt...air? Air and heat rushed across his polyester-clad arms and legs.

When he did finally crack his eyes open, he realized he was staring at the ceiling fixtures. “All right!” The loud whoop could be heard all through the main Iron Works garage. “We're flying! You can fly! Why didn't you tell me you could fly?”

“Never got the chance.” She grinned down at him. “You know, with your powers, you ought to join the Rebel League.”

Luke turned redder than the flame that propelled them across the room. “Thanks. I'm still learning. Ben told me he and some friend of his would teach me how to handle my powers better. I only just found out about them today!”

“You handled them pretty well, for a newbie.” Leia sighed as she floated down towards the row of vans. “I've been learning about since I was ten, but fire is one of the hardest elements to deal with. I still have a hard time making sure my flame only damages what I want it to damage and doesn't burn everything in sight.”

He smiled dreamily at her. She was so pretty, and really nice when she wasn't arguing with Harris. “If you help me learn more about my powers, I'll see if I can help you with yours.”

“I like that.” Her sweet smile lit up her face even more than her fire did. “I'll hold you to that, Luke.” She winced as a gunshot just barely missed her side. “I think it's time we came in for a landing.”

They landed as close to the Falcon as they possibly could, given it was surrounded by Shadow Men and Empire officers. Harris and Chewbacca dashed next to them, ducking away from a hail of bullets.

“What kept ya?” The carpenter's eyes were more on his adored vehicle than the others.

Leia rolled her eyes. “Let's say we ran into some old friends and went flying. How's the hunk of junk?”

“It's fine,” he grumbled, “if we could just get to it.”

Suddenly, everyone turned their heads. Ben had emerged on one side of the room, his own green khyber crystal sword at the ready. Vader was on the other. He had no problems striding over to Ben, his hand raised.

“Negotiator. I knew you'd come back.” Vader put out his hand. “You thought I was still a student when I left. I'm the master now, you old coward!”

Ben leaped away as a flame nearly singed him. “Only the master of evil, Ant...Vader.” He threw out his hand, raising Vader and slamming him into the wall.

“What's going on over there?” Luke started to rush over, but Harris grabbed his arm.

“He's giving us the distraction we need.” He managed to shove the younger man towards the Falcon, then open the passenger side for Chewie. “Come on, folks. All ashore who's goin' ashore!”

Luke gulped, his eyes riveted to the two older men shooting beams of light across the room. “Do you think he'll be ok?”

“I think he will.” Leia smiled at him. “He's the Negotiator. Uncle Bail told me he was a great war hero. He can handle himself.”

Almost everyone in the room, including the Shadow Men, raced over as Vader shot another bolt of fire right in Ben's direction. He managed to deflect it with his green sword. “Your powers are weak, Negotiator.” Vader's hiss seemed more like a cannon boom in the now-quiet room. “They were never as strong as mine. You were always jealous. You and...her.”

“You can't win, Father of Death.” The older man's voice was soft and cold. “If you strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Barely anyone breathed. It was so quiet, Luke easily heard Ben's soft voice. “I've passed on my legacy, Ant...Vader. What legacy will you pass on?”

Something between a hiss and a growl escaped from the grill that blocked Vader's mouth. Everything seemed to run in slow motion. He swung both hands across his chest, letting loose with a fire that burned everything in its path. Everyone else went flying to avoid the roaring flame, but Ben stood firm. When the fire blasted through the wall on the other side, there was nothing left of the former Negotiator but a blackened metal tube and a pile of ashes.

“NO!” Luke wasn't sure what happened next, but he was pretty sure he screamed that. With barely a thought, he raised his sword over his head to a shaft of light coming from the tall windows in the front facade. The light blasted into the crowd, incinerating half the machinery in the room and several unwary Shadow Men. Vader barely managed to avoid it, stumbling back behind the door to the main facility.

Harris was already in the driver's side. “Blast the side door, kid!”

Even as Harris spoke, Luke was already turning with the sunbeam. The bolt of gold-blue light smashed the key pad on the garage door, slamming it on Vader's face. He swore he heard Ben's voice say “Run Luke, run!” as he dashed for the van. Leia and Rudy barely got him in before it went barreling through the remains of the vans and Imperial employees.

“Yeeeehaaw!” Harris grinned as the Falcon went flying through the open gate and onto Khyber Drive. “I got to hand it to that old guy.” He grinned. “It may have gotten him killed in the end, but at least he kept his word.”

Everyone else was sitting around the small table in the back. Luke traced patterns in the scarred checkerboard table. Chewie whimpered at his feet. Charlie and Rudy sat on the trunk, both looking at him sadly. He barely noticed when Leia brought him an old quilt she'd found on the trunk. “I can't believe he's gone,” he whispered sadly. “He was going to tell me more about the Jedi, and my father, and my powers, and now...”

Leia stroked the back of his head as the big mutt licked his foot. “There wasn't anything you or anyone else could have done. It all happened too fast.”

He was wiping at his eyes when something ramming into the side of the van nearly sent them all to the ground. “We're not out of this yet, kid!” Harris called over his shoulder. “I think it's time we went for a flight.” They were already sprinting along Siegal Expressway, no less than five white and black Stingrays on their tail. “If you're not using the guns, strap yourselves in! We're taking off!”

Charlie groaned loudly and Luke cheered as silvery, badly patched wings popped out of the sides of the Falcon. Even as it roared into the sky, the Stingrays shot upwards, trying to clip their underside. Three black and white single-seat jets streaked straight at them.

“This is where I get off.” Leia shoved the side door open. “I can handle the ones in the air. You boys deal with the assholes on the ground.”

“Your worship, I don't think...” Harris didn't get a chance to finish before she took off, shooting fire at two of the jet pack-clad Shadow Men. “Ok, so she knows what she's doin'. Kid, you man the back cannons. I'll see if we can out-fly 'em.”

Chewie was already tugging at the handle of the trunk with his teeth. Charlie and Rudy took either side of the trunk from him, moving it to under the table. Rudy pushed aside a panel in the back wall that the big dog nudged with his nose, revealing a whole wall of blinking, booping computer hardware. An old chair was installed in front of what looked to Luke like one of those new Space Wars and Starship 1 games that were turning up in bars and arcades.

Luke flipped a few switches as he sat down at the controls. “This is amazing!”

“Ain't it?” Harris grinned from his own controller. “Hey shorty, come up here and take the passenger's side gun.”

“Really?” Rudy managed to climb into the chair and, as per Harris' instructions, pulled out what looked like a Telstar Pong controller. He pushed a few buttons, shooting rainbow light bullets at the Stingrays on the ground. A bullet hit one, disintegrating the car completely, leaving its drivers sitting dazed on the ground. “This is great! We've got to talk computers and electronics after this is all over.”

Harris chuckled at the delight on the small man's face. “Sure, short stuff.” He barely managed to get the Falcon past a hail of bullets from three of the Shadow Men. “Hey kid,” he called to Luke, “they're goin' your way!”

“I got 'em!” Luke was already maneuvering his Pong controls. “This is better than Space Wars!” He let out a whoop of joy as he shot the jet packs of two Shadow Men in a row, sending them crashing into trees. “I got 'em!”

“Great, kid!” Harris made a face. “Don't get cocky!” He couldn't help laughing himself as he did a loop around another one, sending him right into Leia's blazing flames.

“I have the rest!” Leia burned the jet packs of the remaining two flying Shadow Men, who went careening into tree tops. Her fire melted the tires on the last Stingray. She soared back into the Falcon as they shook their fists at her backside. Chewie gave her a happy bark when she threw her arms around him. “We did it, boy!”

“Help!” Charlie had fallen against the wall and now had a pile of dirty clothes, dishes, and canned goods on him. “I'm trapped! I'm sure this is your fault, Rudolph!”

“Duty calls.” Rudy tossed the controller back into the dashboard. “I'm gonna hold you to revealing your building secrets to me. You tell me yours, and I'll tell you mine.”

The carpenter behind the wheel chuckled. “Sure, short stuff. Someday.”

Leia replaced Rudy in the passenger seat as Harris gave her a smirk. “Not a bad bit of rescuin', huh doll? You know sometimes, I amaze even myself.”

“That doesn't seem too hard.” Leia rolled her eyes. “They let us go. It's the only reason we got out of there so easily.”

“You call that easy?” Harris pointed back towards the Mimban district. “We got shot at, flooded, nearly crushed, and lost a perfectly nice old guy, and you call it easy?”

She frowned. “They're tracking us. There's probably some radar on this van somewhere.”

Harris gave her that little grin. “Not this van, sister.”

“At least the tapes are still intact.” She leaned back into the tattered plaid blanket on the back of the seat. “Rudy told me he put them in the trunk on the way to the Iron Works.”

Harris started to turn the van back around towards Yavin. “What's he carrying that's so important, anyway?”

“The blueprints and technical readouts for that gun at the Iron Works.” She sighed and tucked her legs under the seat. “I only hope that they can find a weakness in that gun, or more homes will go up the way Aldera Hills did. It's not over yet.”

“It is for me, doll.” Harris shook a finger at her nose. “I'm not in this for your Rebel League. I don't read comics, and I don't give a flaming hell what Vader's doing with that gun. I'm in this for the money. I have people I need to pay off, and they shoot real bullets, not fire and sunlight.”

“You needed worry about your reward.” Leia's hiss didn't sound that far from Vader's. “If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive.” She turned angrily to Luke as he came up from the back. “Your friend is quite the mercenary. Ask him if he actually cares about something besides this rust pile and the mountain of fur back there.”

“I care!” Luke tried to call, but she'd already laid down on the bench, her back to them. He returned to Harris. “What do you think of her?” he said to the carpenter in a soft tone. “I think she's kind of cute.”

“She's got a lot of spunk, I'll give her that.” Harris couldn't help grinning at the tinge of red on the kid's cheeks. He was really gone about this girl. “I don't know. You think a rich chick like that and a guy like me...”

“No!” Luke turned away from him, but he'd gotten the reaction he wanted. The truth was, though...he was kind of starting to like the fire bitch himself. He meant what he said about her spunk. He'd never seen a woman with balls like that. Not that he'd admit it to Luke, or even really to himself. Besides, he'd be leaving once he dropped the kids and the nerds off at Yavin Park. He'd probably never see them again.


Tarkin watched the battle from the wide windows in the suite on the third floor of the Mufasar Iron Works. “Are you sure the homing beacon is secure aboard that van? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader.”

“Absolutely.” Vader had already changed back into the expensive Italian spring suit he had custom made larger to fit over his breathing apparatus. He pulled the wide-brimmed fedora low over his damaged face. “I have to go to City Hall to meet the press and talk to the Phantom. By the time I return, we should have a line on the rebels.”

The Doctor of Death never left the window. “Watch what you say to the press. We don't need work leaking about this place.” He raised an eyebrow. “And please don't choke any of them to death, like you almost did with Motti this morning.”

Vader made a face that looked distinctly like Leia's. “He was annoying me.”

“He can be annoying, but we may need him in the future.” Tarkin finally looked over his shoulder, his icy blue eyes steady on him. “I know how you feel about the laser, but the Phantom is adamant that it's the best way for him to bring Coruscant to its knees.”

A briefcase resting on the desk soared into Vader's hands. “Very well. I'll leave him alone, for today, anyway.” He shook a glove-clad finger. “But so help me, if he ever makes fun of my abilities ever again, I'll...”

“He won't. He learned his lesson.”

Vader wasn't so sure. He wished he could choke almost every one of his subordinates in the Empire, but the Phantom wouldn't let him. He never got to have any fun!

Mara Jadeson was the first person there when he drove up to City Hall. “Chief Vedder!” The tall redhead shoved her Channel 11 microphone under his nose. “How do you explain the green light that destroyed Aldera Hills this afternoon, including District Attorney Bail Ortega and his wife Breha?” She turned to her cameraman. “We're coming in live at City Hall, with Coruscant's Chief of Police, Darren Vedder.”

Vedder remained stony-faced. “The Coruscant Police Force is looking into the blast.”

The younger woman kept shoving herself into Vader's face. “What about the Rebel League? There's rumors flying around all over the city about how they've saved dozens of people from the Father of Death and his Empire. What can you tell us about them? Or Vader?”

“The Empire is working with the city to insure the safety of its residents.” His blue eyes narrowed. “There is no such thing as the Rebel League. There's only groups of meddlers who refuse to allow companies to do their jobs. Now, if you'd excuse me, I have a conference with Mayor Palpatine.”

“But Chief Vedder...” The door slammed on Mara's face before she could get anymore out of him.

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