Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Star War Fairy Tale: New Hope, Part 6

A blue light appeared in what remained of the stables where the Falcon sat. Several Imperials were searching the beautiful golden carriage, making certain it contained nothing of value. They were too busy looking for escaped royalty or fine treasure to notice an arrow flying into their neck or two swords being brought down over their heads.

“How clever of you to think to appear outside the stables!” Cecil exclaimed as Luke went to the horses and . “We were able to catch those nasty Imperial soldiers quite by surprise.” Arthur's fingers were flying. Cecil made a face. “Yes, I know I didn't do anything. It's not in my job description to hit people over the head!”

Luke went over to the horses, who whinnied and shook with fear. “I don't like this, Ben.” He stroked a golden mare who was whinnying uneasily. “We have to let them go, before more Imperials arrive.” He pulled over one gentle-looking gray-dappled stallion. “Except for Tauntaun here. I'll ride him. He's my favorite horse in the stable. I can scout on ahead, make sure there's no trouble.”

“I agree.” Ben and Chewbacca were already throwing the stalls open, leading horses and ponies out of the stables and encouraging them to flee. “There's no reason for the Empire to have them.”

Han was shaking his head. “I think it's a waste. A man could sell a couple of these winners to the races and be set for life.”

Chewbacca glared at him as he lead a spooked black mare to the entrances. “Mate, these are my clans. They're scared. They've heard what's been going on. They know the humans who invaded the ball will hurt them, or take them away to be little more than slaves.”

Ben nodded. The moment the last horse was galloping down the road, he turned towards the others. “I suggest we get moving. We must go to Aldran Town and find out what's become of the royal family, and help stop the Imperials, if we can.”

Han groaned. “Great. This is the only way I'll get my money, right?”

“I'm afraid so, Your Majesty.” Ben gave him a small, ironic smile and opened the door to the carriage. “After you.”

Han was already climbing onto the driver's seat. “Oh no, old man. This is my carriage. I'm drivin'. Chewie, move over.” Chewie did so, with a considerable amount of grumbling.
With Luke riding first on the gray pony, they headed down the mountain and towards the valley where Aldran Town nestled between rolling fields, green orchards, and the mysterious Enchanted Woods, where Magic was said to reside, and nothing was at it seemed. But the valiant group had no way of knowing then that they were already too late to save the town...


Princess Leia had never been so insulted in all her life. She'd been tossed into a carriage like a sack of potatoes, trussed up like a holiday goose, and sneered at by every lascivious officer in the Empire. All because her father wanted her to train as a black sorceress! She knew she had some small magical ability, but her family preferred her to tend to her duties, rather than witchcraft. Her father, on the other hand, was consumed by a lust for power. It was the reason she seldom saw him. He was too busy ransacking other kingdoms and adding their wealth to the Empire's coffers to pay much heed to a growing girl.

She was carried off to Bast Castle, Lord Vader's home in the Parched Mountains. The Kingdom of the Empire had once been the beautiful, lush Kingdom of Naboo, greenest of all the Kingdoms. Years of war, neglect, and dark, evil magic had ravaged the land, leaving it almost as dry and barren as the desert wastes of Tattoon. Leia could feel the darkness, even as the carriage bounced down the pitted road. The trees were black and misshapen, their limbs devoid of any color. Blooming plants wilted in the Black Knight's presence. Animals howled in the darkness, their cries sounding like the screams of a lost lover.

Most imposing of all was the Black Crystal Mountain. The mountain was made of the hardest dark Khyber Crystal, a substance so slick and so strong, no one could climb it or penetrate it without the use of magic. Bast Castle, an imposing series of jagged spires and towers, rose out of its summit. It dominated the horizon for miles, blocking the sun's feeble attempt to shine.

The interior was just as forbidding, all heavy dark, sleek furniture with sharp edges. Even the balcony she's dragged to looks sharp. She sneered at the man who met her by the balcony. She recognized him. Small and stiff, in his gray uniform and too-tight boots.

“Govenor Tarkin,” she said with a bit of a snarl. “I should have known you'd be holding my father's leash. King Palapatine is too much of a coward to show his face here in the Alliance.”

Tarkin just smiled at her, his narrow, pale cheekbones making him look like a death's head. He looked up at Vader's grim visor. “Charming child you have, Vader.” He lifted her chin. “Quite charming.” The older man turned her face this way and that, as if he were admiring a statue. “It's a shame we just dissolved the Imperial Court, and that the Aldran Court is no more. There will be no one to admire such a pretty face.”

Leia would not let either of them intimidate her. “You'll never get all of the Seven Kingdoms in your grasp, Tarkin. There's always a few that will fall through the cracks.”

Tarkin sighed. “You know, your father and I argued about what to do with you when he suggested bringing you here. I would have rather done away with you, but he claimed that would merely make you a martyr to your cause. He and His Imperial Majesty both believe you may be of some use to us.”

Leia's arms stiffened by her sides. “I will not follow in Father's footsteps and practice the dark arts. I'm no sorceress. I prefer politics.”

“Perhaps, Your Highness.” Tarkin and Vader lead her out to the balcony. It was midnight. Indigo twilight swept the land, sweeping inky blacks and soft, misty grays across the Parched Mountains and the Aldran Hills. She could see a few tiny, flickering lights in the valley itself, the few remaining lights from Aldran Town. Most people in the valley would be asleep, slumbering deeply in their cottages and timbered houses, dreaming of their loves or their families or their work for the next day.

“Beautiful, isn't it, Your Highness?” Tarkin swept his hand to indicate the horizon. “The Kingdom of Aldran was the fairest and most prosperous land in the Alliance of the Seven Kingdoms.” He gave her a tiny smile that barely moved the corner of his mouth. It made her blood run cold. “That was, of course, before the dragons came, and all was burned to the ground.”

“Dragons?” Leia tried not to show her fear. “The Sith Dragons?” She could hear the beating of their wings and the rustling of their scales, even as she spoke.

“Yes, the dragons.” Vader took his daughter's arms as Tarkin pressed closer to her. “I want to know where in the Enchanted Woods the Rebels are hidden. The Enchanted Woods cover at least three or four Kingdoms, including Empire.”

Vader put both hands to his daughter's temples. “We can do this the easy way,” he hissed, “or I can use my own powers and rip the location from your mind. You know how it works. It can be very painful, to have thoughts, memories, even your senses and your physical strength stripped from your soul....”

Leia finally looked at the small lights coming from the valley, then at the floor. “Danton,” she blurted, saying the first name that came to mind. “They're hidden in the Kingdom of Danton.”

Tarkin gave them both that little smile. “There, you see, Lord Vader, your precious little girl can be reasonable.” He turned to one of the soldiers. “Prepare the dragons for immediate departure.”

“WHAT?!” Leia screamed, her face showing pure horror.

“I'm surprised such a canny politician as yourself would put your trust in another politician.” Tarkin patted her on the head. “Quite amusing. The Kingdom of Danton is too far away for the Empire to make an effective show. Aldran, on the other hand, is ideal. No kingdom will dare oppose the Empire now.” He looked at Vader. “You may take her to the Death Tower. Far be it from me to disrupt quality time between a father and his delightful little girl.”

“I'm not a little girl,” Leia snapped angrily, “and I'm not his little girl!” She tried to pull away from her father's arms, but he held her fast. “Father, you don't want to do this. You're the strongest war lord in the Seven Kingdoms, but you allow Tarkin and Palapatine to order you around like you're a common cur!”

“You don't yet understand the ways of the Black Force magic, daughter.” Vader wrapped his hands around the girl's arms so hard, she could feel the bruises form. “I must obey my master. As will you, when you become his bride.”

“No!” she screamed. “Never! Palapatine is a manipulative, spiteful, ugly old crone. I'd never marry him, and I'll never be his apprentice, either! I'd rather die!”

“That can be arranged!” Vader shoved her towards the troopers. “Take her to the Death Tower. I'll deal with her myself later.”

Tarkin watched as the soldiers lead the furious royal woman away. “I still think you should eliminate her. I know she's your flesh and blood, but she's a liability.”

“She's our only link to finding the Rebels.” Vader started towards the door. “She's also a strong magician, though I believe she's unaware of just how strong. If it could be harnessed...if my master and I could teach her...”

“She keeps refusing, my friend.” Tarkin followed him as he made his way to the tower. “She's as stubborn as you are. The King of Aldran has fed her all this nonsense about rebellion and free choice. The only way is the way of the Empire, to rule and be ruled.”

“I'll make sure she gets those ideas out of her head when I have my little...discussion...with her.” Vader stopped before a long, narrow, winding set of stairs. “There was one other thing. When I was at the ball, I felt a I haven't felt in years. One felt almost like the power of my old Knight master. The was strangely familiar, and yet, new to me.”

“Vader, the Order of the Force Knights and their powers were purged from the Seven Kingdoms twenty years ago. You are all that's left of their religion.” Tarkin tugged at his tight uniform. “You see to getting what we need from that girl of yours. I'll deal with Aldran Town.”

There was something else Vader wanted to ask his daughter, something he didn't care to admit to Tarkin. He had his own plans for the girl. Wedding her to his master would align the wealth of the Kingdom of Aldran with the military might of the Kingdom of the Empire. Leia, however, had her own fanciful notions of love, probably encouraged by that soft-hearted King Organa. His officers reported seeing her dancing at the ball with two young men, one dressed in the clothes of a Corellian prince, the other wearing the ancient armor of a Force knight. He suspected there was more to both than anyone knew...and his daughter held the key to their identities.  

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