Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Star Wars Fairy Tale: Empire, Part 6

Han was shoved roughly into a cell in Bespin's city jail. Two Imperial guards stripped off his leather vest and chained him to the rough stone wall. His tired eyes fell on a burlap bag of dully glowing black crystals as Vader entered through the screeching bars.
“Where's Leia?” Han managed to croak in a raspy voice, despite his throat feeling like sand. “What have you done with her?”
“She is no longer your concern.” Han's eyes widened when Vader whipped off his steel glove...revealing a set of sharp claws. He ran his long fingers over Han's right shoulder, the claws tearing away the white silk to reveal the mark Jabba gave him. “You're already bound by a powerful spell.” Han gasped as red light gathered around the mark, a flash of heat injecting itself into his skin. “It's calling you to your master, even as we speak.”
“Jabba's not my master,” Han croaked. “I'm my own master.”
“The mark tells me otherwise.” Vader removed one of the crystals from the bag. His claw traveled around the mark, drawing dark light from the strokes embedded in his shoulder. “The magic is similar to mine, but not exactly alike. It will, however, be useful in other ways.” He grasped Han's throat in one clawed hand while drawing the crystal across the mark with the other. “You,” Vader hissed, his barely-visible blue eyes searing into Han's weary hazel ones, “will be too weak to come to the rescue of Skywalker and my daughter this time, or to make love with something too pure for the likes of you.”
Han barely choked out a curse before the crystal's black glow intensified, sending black sparks down his spine and across his broad shoulders. The sparks and the fires from the crystals joined with the light on the mark, burning and pummeling their way through every bone and nerve he had. He'd never felt so much pain or screamed so loudly in his life.
Leia awoke in a dark, damp room. She thought she heard screaming. She gasped when she realized the stone walls were she was in a tower. Not again! Not the Death Tower! As she focused, she realized it couldn't have been the Death Tower. The ceiling was higher here, and the stone a far lighter shade of gray. In addition to a window, there was a heavy wooden door embedded in the wall. It was locked, and trying to unlock it with her mind only resulted in a headache. She tried to reach out to Han with her powers, but they only made her headache worse.
She was surprised to see someone else in the tower. “Your Highness, you're all right!” She was enfolded in a pair of skinny, gold-clad arms. “I was so worried about you and Captain Solowolf after those horrible Imperial ruffians locked me in here. Who knew what unspeakable horrors they'd commit on your persons?” Cecil squeezed her as hard as his thin frame could manage.
Leia gasped. “Cecil, I'm glad to see you too, but could you please let me go? It'll be easier to figure out a plan of escape if I can breathe.”
Cecil immediately removed his arms. “I'm terribly sorry, Your Highness. I forgot my place. It's just that I haven't seen anyone since the guards left me in this foul prison.”
“At least we have each other.” Leia went to the window, leaning out as far as she could go. “It's too high to jump.” She pulled back in, frowning. “I can't climb my own hair, but...” She turned to Cecil. “You can.”
Cecil watched, perplexed, as she began to pull out the flowers and the pins that held up her braided loops. “Your Highness, whatever do you mean?”
Leia waved Cecil over to the window. “It's not heavily guarded. You could climb down my hair, then find Chewbacca and the Falcon in the stables.”
Cecil was already shaking his head. “Oh no, Your Highness. I'm not going out there, not where there are Imperial guards and Dark Lords and heaven only knows what else. I'm a butler, not a mountain-climber.”
“You're our only hope!” She smiled at him. “The faster you get down my hair, the quicker we'll be out of here and back to the Rebels.”
“I'd rather be working at Aldran Castle, where there's no swamp monsters or magic or ill-mannered war lords.” He sighed at Leia's huge, hopeful brown eyes. “Oh, all right, Your Highness. I suppose there's no other way.”
“Good.” Footsteps could be heard echoing on the staircase leading to the top of the tower. “Hurry!” She threw her braids over the window, then nearly threw poor Cecil down with them. She watched him as he shimmied slowly and nervously down her braid, one hand on the braid, the other on his eyes. He was still muttering about how he let princesses talk him into doing insane things when he landed on the ground. The tall butler scurried as quietly as he could across the courtyard.
She watched him head towards the main gates, then started pulling her braids back in. She was just in time. The last length of braid was swung over the windowsill when two Imperial guards marched in, dragging Han between them.
She flew to him, taking him onto her lap. “I feel terrible,” he moaned. For once, he wasn't exaggerating. The right shoulder of his snow white blouse was in rags, the skin covered in nasty burns. She could see bruises on his wrists, chest, and neck. “Vader...he took every bit of strength I had, but he never asked me any questions.”
“I wish I knew why Father's doing this. I don't think he's just after me. There's something else. I read that much in his mind before he put me to sleep.” She stroked Han's soft auburn hair as the moonlight fell on them, illuminating his hazel eyes and the lines on his handsome face. “Cecil was here. He'd been here ever since we came. They must have caught him when we arrived. I let him climb my hair and escape out the window. I'm hoping he's on his way to the stables to pick up Chewie and the Falcon now.” She kissed his forehead. “I think I can heal you, at least enough to get us out of here.”
She had just pulled one of her braids over his chest when they heard steps on the landing. Lando was the first in, followed by several guards. Leia helped Han struggle into a sitting position. “Get out of here!” The look the gypsy gave the dark-skinned nobleman would have froze metal under regular circumstances. “You've caused enough trouble for one night!”
“I told you,” Lando snarled back, “this wasn't my fault. Vader was going to burn everyone and everything here.” He turned to Leia. “Vader turned Chewie and the manservant over to me. He's taking you back to the Kingdom of the Empire. Something about giving you to his master.”
“I know my father,” Leia snapped. “He wants us all dead.”
“All he wants,” Lando shot at her, “is someone called Skywalker. That's what he told me.”
“Luke.” That was when it hit Leia. “This is a trap...and we're the bait. He knows what Luke and I can do. He knew Luke would feel it if we were in trouble.”
“Damn you, Lando!” Han's hazel-green eyes nearly sizzled with pure fury. “I trusted you, and you sold us to a demon. You're no friend!” It took every last ounce of strength he had left in his battered body to throw his fist at Lando's chin. It connected...but the moment Lando went down, the guards attacked Han with the butts of their swords and lances.
Vader came in, with Boba Fett close behind, just as Leia threw herself around Han. “What is going on here?” The expressionless black visor turned to Lando. “I thought you had everything under control, Calarissian.”
Lando shivered. Maybe it was him, but the temperature in the room must have dropped ten degrees on Vader's arrival. The moon hid behind clouds, as if even it feared the half-demon dark lord. He rubbed his sore chin. “We had a small problem with one of the prisoners.”
Leia held Han protectively. “Father, I'm not going back with you. Not now, not ever. Luke's not, either. We're not black magicians.”
“His Majesty King Palapatine will teach both of you.” Vader yanked her to her feet as if she were a rag doll. “You don't know the power of the dark side. You'll understand better when you become his wife.”
“Like hell she's marrying that dried-up old geezer,” Han snarled in Leia's arms. “She's too good for him. Matter of fact, Ugly, she's too good for you. She's got more brains and heart in her little finger than you do in that whole big body of yours.”
Vader swung his magic to Han, aiming to hurl him out the window. Leia threw herself over the gypsy, taking the brunt of the blast. The evil war lord couldn't throw his daughter away. His master would never forgive him...and neither would her mother. The force of the blow knocked most people across the room...but Han and Leia, protected in each other's arms, remained standing.
“Sweetheart...” Han reached for her head and pulled her into the most passionate kiss he could manage. Leia returned it, the heat of their exchange nearly warming the room.
“Han,” she exclaimed, not caring who else heard her, “I love you. I couldn't say it before, but it's true.”
He just barely nodded. “I know.”
Vader yanked Leia by her twin braids. Leia cried out as she stumbled over the hem of her red and white gown and fell to her knees. Han started after her, but Fett pulled out a small, sharp knife and held it to his throat. “You will not have him!” Vader hissed. “I promised you to my master!”
“I don't care what you promised.” Leia's brown eyes stared hard into his visor. “Han is the one I want. You don't even know what love is. You've never loved anyone in your life!”
Leia screamed as Vader whipped her head back, lifting the visor to reveal yellow eyes that didn't look at all human. “Never say I don't know what love is! Never! I have loved deeper and more strongly than a child like you could ever dream possible!” He glared over his shoulder at Lando as he managed to get to his feet. “Where's the servant in the gold uniform? You said you had him in the tower with the Princess.”
Lando was rubbing his sore chin. “I have no idea, Your Lordship. He was here the last time my men brought him food.”
Vader turned to Leia, looking down at her braids. “You did this. You released the servant. You will pay dearly for your defiance, child.” He ran a finger over her forehead, letting it linger there. “Ahh. You're planning on restoring your lover's energy and escaping to the Woods to find the Rebels. That's why you freed that obnoxiously talkative butler. Rest assured, my men are already out looking for them...and when they find them, they will destroy them.”
Han and Lando watched helplessly as the steel-sharp claws sheared off one braid at the base of Leia's head, then the other. The thick ropes of hair dropped limply to the floor. “How will you heal your beloved now?” the Black Knight sneered.
Leia's hand reached for where her long locks had been. “Father,” she gasped, “how could you do this?”
“It's your fault, child.” Vader nodded at Fett. The green-clad huntsman pulled the knife closer to Han's throat, drawing a thin trickle of blood. “If you had obeyed me, I would not have had to sever your healing magic, nor harm your precious criminal.”
He dropped the braids over the window. “Two of my men saw Luke Skywalker and the little blacksmith from Aldran Castle arrive here just a few minutes ago. Skywalker came in response to your singing three years ago, the last time I had you in my power.” He pushed Leia towards the window. “He will come again.”
Leia drew away. “I won't do it. I won't lure him to his death!”
“I wouldn't worry about Skywalker.” Han nearly choked as Fett pulled the knife closer to his throat, the tip coming perilously near a vein. Blood dripped down his neck in a thin red trickle. “You have more pressing concerns at the moment.”
“Leia, don't do it!” Han managed to get out. “Don't listen to him!”
Lando started to them, but was blocked by two of his own men. “I though you were taking her to your master,” he shouted. “Not abusing her!”
Vader turned his metal-clad head to Lando. “Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly, Calarissian? You know what happened to the Kingdom of Aldran three years ago when they defied the Empire. It would mean nothing to me for a similar holocaust to occur in this fair land.”
Leia looked from the window to the two men behind her. For once in her life, she didn't know what to do. She knew Vader would hurt Han, even kill him, and he would certainly have no difficulty with destroying the Kingdom of the Clouds. He wouldn't hurt her further. Not if he wanted to please his master. She had to warn Luke somehow...and she knew how. “Father, I'll do it. I'll sing for you.”
“Good, girl.” Vader drew away from the window as she leaned towards the edge. “Don't let him see your hair, my child. Sing as loudly as you can. I want this to be heard.”
Leia did as she was told. She poured her broken heart into the sad Aldran folk tune about the girl and her jealous father she'd sung at Bast Castle when she was captured by Vader the first time...but the moment Luke's sandy head appeared in the wan light from the still-dimmed moon, she let out the loudest screech she could muster. “Luke, get out of here! Go away! It's a trap!”
Muscular, metal-clad arms wrapped around her torso and dragged her away from the window. “That's more than enough, daughter!” Leia could feel Vader's hot demon eyes burn at her, even under his helmet. “You have sealed your lover's fate. Had you obeyed me to the letter, I would have sent him to the King of Tatoon as he is. But now...”
“No! Stop! Father, please!” Leia tried to cling to his arm, but he pushed her towards two of his men.
Vader ran his claws down Han's tanned cheek. “You may free him, Fett. I have several spells that will deal with this scum.”
“What if he doesn't survive?” Fett asked in his monotone of a voice as he withdrew his knife. “He's worth a lot to me.”
“The Kingdom of the Empire will compensate you.” Vader hissed when Han turned his head to smile at Leia, trying to reassure her. “You, lawless one, are not worthy to look upon my daughter.”
Han's sneer was equally passionate. “Lookin' at a pretty girl ain't been outlawed yet, Ugly.”
“Perhaps not by law. But you, gypsy, will never be able to gaze upon such a figure of beauty again.” Vader drew his claws across Han's face. A black light swirled around Han's head, turning his gold-flecked hazel eyes cloudy and unfocused.
He blinked his eyes as the sudden darkness enveloped him, fear quickly replacing the defiance. “I can't...I can't see. Everything is a blur. Leia, I can't see!”
Leia kicked and hit at the men who held her. “Father, restore his sight this instant! Han never touched you. It's Luke and me you want!”
Vader ignored his daughter. “It was you, wasn't it, Solowolf? Three years ago, at the Battle of Yavin Woods. You shot down my men and damaged my right wing. It was you who gave Skywalker enough time to heal his dragon.”
Han tried to turn his head to glare at Vader...but ended up giving a nasty look to a couple of stones to his right. “What if I did, Ugly?”
“I will make sure you're no longer able to meddle in affairs that don't concern you!” Vader dug his claws into Han's bare shoulder. Leia's screams nearly matched her sweetheart's. “I place this curse upon you, Solowolf. You will fall in to a deep sleep for all eternity!”
No sooner were the words spoken than a violent black light flew from Vader's fingers. It wrapped itself around Han's head, pulling down his eyes, caressing his temples. Leia watched in horror as her lover collapsed, unconscious, to the stone floor.
She was surprised when an equally vehement “NO!” from the window joined her anguished one. Luke rushed towards Han the moment he fell. “I won't let that happen!”
“Luke!” Leia groaned. “What are you doing here? I told you to stay away!”
The small, golden-haired youth looked up her her, his blue eyes shining. “I had to come. I couldn't leave my friends.”
Vader had an inkling of what Skywalker was planning. “Get away from him, boy!”
Luke gently knelt beside his friend and wrapped him in his arms. “Han, I don't think I can lift this curse on my own. My powers aren't that strong.” He saw the bitter disappointment register on Leia's face out of the corner of his eye. “But I should be able to soften it a little.”
He concentrated as hard as he could. The blue light that surrounded Han's body was mild and almost soothing. “Han Solowolf, your friends won't let you sleep forever. You're too important to us. You'll awaken when you receive a kiss from your true love.” Luke knew he'd done the right thing when Leia nearly sagged with relief.
Vader waved to two of his men, who dragged Luke away. “I'll deal with you momentarily, Skywalker.” He made a black crystal appear in his hand in a dark light. “That was most foolish, boy. I'll have to make it so no one can touch him now.” The contempt dripped off his throaty voice as he drew the crystal along the length of Han's body. The harsh dark light expanded and intensified, until it engulfed the man on the floor. When it subsided, Han lay in a coffin made of transparent Khyber crystal, inlaid with rich gold and lined with velvet. “There's your prize, Fett.”
“How kind of you,” Fett said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “You gift-wrapped him for me.”
Four strong men lifted Han's coffin on their shoulders and carried it down the staircase. Vader only had eyes for Luke. “Leave us. Calarissian, take the Princess and the Wookie Stallion to my battle carriage. If you find the runaway servant, bring him as well.”
Now Lando was the one looking angry. “You swore they'd be left here!”
“I am altering the deal.” Vader shook his finger at the Baron. “Pray I don't alter it any further.”
“This deal is getting worse all the time,” Lando grumbled as he took Leia's arm. She was too busy gazing at the coffin vanishing down the staircase with sad brown eyes to fight him.
Luke faced Vader as the last soldier left, pulling out his sword. “The Force is with you, young Skywalker,” the Black Knight hissed. He slowly pulled out his own red and black crystal blade. “You are not a Force Knight yet.”

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