Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Lady Leia and the Prince, Part 13

Palpatine stood at the window of his massive black and red suites. Two red-clad guards dragged Luke to his side. Luke kicked hard, trying to stab the two furry monsters who had chains around his neck with his green crystal horn. His nose was wrapped in a metal muzzle. “No!” Leia lunged across the huge room, knocking over tables and chairs. “Get your hands off him!”

The fish men held her back, yanking her to the ground. “Hello there, apprentice.” Palpatine smirked. “I see you walked right into my trap. As did your rebel friends.”

You set this up,” she snarled. “The senators, Luke, Han...they were bait. You sent that vision, the one where I saw Han's mother die. You knew it would bring me here.”

Partially, yes.” He held his own blood red blade over Luke's horn. “My army downstairs will make short work of them. Those rebels might make do quite well as one of their number.” Long fingers in chain mail gloves gripped the obsidian handle, holding it to Luke's horn.

“No!” Leia struggled wildly in Fett's armor-clad arms. “Where's Han? What have you done with him? I can't feel his energy anymore. He isn't dead, but a wall or something solid is blocking it.”

Palpatine cackled and pointed at a statue made from red crystal on a stone pedestal in the center of the room. “I think I prefer him this way. Far less troublesome. Sultan Du Hutt will appreciate such a fine decoration. Henry can still hear and think, but the crystal impedes his movements. I'll be sending him along to Tatoonie on the first available shipping boat tomorrow.”

Chewie hurried to the statue, whimpering at the foot of the pedestal. He rubbed against the crystal leg. The big chunk of rock looked exactly like Han, right down to the scar on the chin and the scruffy hair, as if a chisel had carved out every minute detail...including the look of sheer terror on his face.

And now, my dear,” Palpatine turned to the the glowing gold and coral sunset, “witness the end of all magic...and the beginning of my reign as supreme sorcerer of the entire land.” Leia could only watch as the crystal blade flashed and sizzled against Luke's horn, just as the sun aligned with the moon in the rapidly darkening sky. Luke struggled wildly at first, writhing in Palpatine's arms...but the moment his horn was gone, he let out a gasping whinny and collapsed.

Luke! No!” Tears flowed unrelentingly down Leia's pale cheeks. “No, no...he never hurt anyone in his life...”

Even before he raised the horn to the light, Leia could see the power coursing through it. It flashed through the older man like a monsoon in a jungle, gushing through his veins. His cackle filled the halls and echoed in the chamber. His hair turned darker and darker. His face lost nearly all of its wrinkles. “Yes...yess...this is it,” he cackled. “This is mine! Unlimited power! It is mine...owww!”

Chewbacca did not like people who hurt his master or his master's friends. Not to mention, the human holding the unicorn's horn was making the most gods-awful racket he'd ever heard. Wookie wolves had very sensitive ears. That horn belonged to Luke, not him! He bit as hard as he could into Palpatine's leg and instantly regretted it, spitting out sweat and oil. He tasted like a charred lizard.

Leia snatched the horn as soon as it hit the ground. The sun and moon continued their relentless rise and fall as she went to her brother's side. The monsters chased Chewbacca behind her, leading them under the bed and over tables. Palpatine continued to wail about his wounded leg.

The others were just coming in as the light hit Leia. “Come on, Luke. Stay with me.” She screamed as she held the glowing horn, placing it back on his head. The light burst around them, a symphony of blue and gold and green. “Luke!” Her arms went around her brother's neck. “Please, please be alive!”

The light of the moon and last of the sun collided, crashing across the duo in waves. Palpatine screamed, even as Leia held onto Luke for dear life. Chewbacca grabbed hold of the heavy oak bed with his teeth, while the remaining monsters were flung into the wall. The others, who had been coming in just as the light arrived, were nearly knocked back downstairs.

Her arms were still around her brother's neck. She couldn't lose him. He was all she had left now. As she moved her head, she swore she heard...thumping. A beating in his chest. Slow at first, then more rapidly as he moved away from her and got to his feet.

Luke!” She threw her arms around him. “You're all right!” He nudged her, holding out her sword in his teeth. “Thank you.” With that, she turned to Palpatine, a determined look on her face through the haze of magic. “No, Palpatine. We are not going to be your apprentices. You've failed, Chancellor. We're Jedi, like our father and uncle before us.”

So be it, Jedi.” Palpatine held out his sword as one of his men wrapped silk bed sheets around his bleeding leg. “It'll make it far easier for me to destroy you.”

They just managed to duck away from Palpatine's blast as a small green light bobbed into the room. “Harm those Jedi, you will not.” Yoda fluttered down, now holding a crystal sword the same shade of emerald as Luke's. “Waited for this a long time, I have.”

The last time I saw you was in the Council's chambers.” Palpatine held out his sword. “I almost got the best of you then, old one.”

Almost is not 'kill,' Sidious.” Yoda leaped over his head with a surprising nimbleness for an elf his age. “And kill me or them, you will not.”

Leia ignored the duo. She ducked around their fencing, hurring over to Henry with Luke on her heels. Chewie was already there, whining at the statue's feet. “Oh Han,” she whispered, leaning against him. “I wish I knew how to get you out of there.” Wedge broke from the others, putting his arm around Luke's neck and ignoring the zap he got. Luke nuzzled him. “I know you can hear me. I love you, Han. I love you with all my heart. I love that you're a scruffy-looking idiot. Well, most of the time.” Leia climbed up to the pedestal and stood on her tip-toes. “I love you, no matter what.” Chewbacca joined her on the pedestal, giving his master a lick on his side.

Her lips met his rock-solid ones, just as the light of the full moon fell slowly across the room. As it continued its journey, it hit Luke first. The pale light swirled around him, transforming him once again into a young man.

As her brother was returning to his human form, Leia gave her beloved rogue prince a passionate kiss, a kiss of true love. The light that swirled around Luke now flitted to Han, engulfing him. It became so bright, Leia had to back away from his pedestal. After a few minutes, the light finally returned to being a simple beam of moon dust...and Han tumbled to the floor, now flesh and blood once more.

Han!” Leia, Luke, and Chewbacca all ran to his side. “Han, thank gods that worked!” She threw her arms around him, kissing him for all he was worth. He trembled in her arms, his body weak and covered in lightning burns. “Han,” she added as she ran her fingers through his hair, “talk to me. What's going on?” He shook his head and gently touched his throat.

He can't. I made sure of that.” Palpatine held Yoda by his throat, the tiny green elf twisting and gasping in his long fingers. “I cast a spell on his throat that removed his ability to speak. He can't make a sound...and can't give orders. Too bad. Looks like I'm still going to have to be the king.”” Leia growled and pulled her sword. “You slimy stuck-up toad!” Luke and Wedge held up Han as Leia lunged for Palpatine, sword drawn.

Don't play games with me, child!” He sent jagged purple lightning over all four of them, throwing them back into the wall. “Now,” he shook Yoda like a rag doll, “we'll deal with you.”

NO!” Leia rolled into a sitting position first, just in time to see waves of deep red-purple light sizzle over the small elf. The purple beams drew a softer green light, yanking it into the chancellor's chalk-white fingers and heaving chest.

Leia...” Yoda gasped as he tried to force Palpatine's hand away. “When gone am I...last of the Jedi, you and Luke will be. Pass on...what you have learned...keep...legacy ali...”

Leia and Luke screamed in horror as Yoda's body dissolved in Palpatine's fist, his body nothing but green dust fluttering to the floor. “Why did you do that?” Luke was in tears. “He was just a little elf, and the wisest creature I ever knew. He didn't hurt you!”

Oh, but he did, little one. Many years ago. Him and others like him.” When he turned to them, the old Chancellor was now a young man of little more than twenty years. His brown hair was thick and dark, his build was slight and slender, and every last inch of wrinkle was gone from his pale face. “The Jedi Knights thought they, and they alone, should hold the monopoly on magic. They fought with the light side, only to neglect the dark. But the dark was waiting for it's chance for revenge.” His blindingly white smile was feral. “Your father doesn't know how much he helped me before he ran off. By killing off those children, he killed their legacy and their chance at survival.”

Father did that to protect Mother!” Leia's growl almost matched Chewbacca's. “He thought she was going to die! I won't let you destroy the only people I have left!”

That's not true.” Amilyn and Wedge got on either side of her. “You have us.”

Wedge slipped his hand into Luke's. “All of us.”

This is sickening.” Palpatine held his hand again, the purple lightning much stronger. Everyone ducked away as it shot to every corner of the room. Furniture smashed and smoked; books and weapons were flung carelessly from shelves. Luke reached his arms out to catch several volumes as they fell. “Hey!” He shouted at Palpatine as the lighting writhed around him. “Watch where you aim that! These are valuable antiques!”

Right now, I don't think he really cares.” Wedge frowned as he pushed Luke behind the remains of the table. “By the way...who are you? How were you a unicorn?”

My name is Luke. I was cursed by Palpatine.” He ducked as one of the lightning shots went wild. “I'll explain later. It's really a long story.”

Boba Fett held his bow and arrow on Han and Leia, forcing them out from the chamber where Han's mother had died. “This is a bad time for snogging, kiddies,” he sneered.

Han glared at him, but Fett only shoved his arrow at his back. “Move, Solo. My boss wants a word with both of you.”

We weren't snogging. We were getting something of Han's.” Leia pushed past Boba Fett and ducked the lightning, lunging for Palpatine with her sword. “I won't let you continue this any longer!”

Nor will I. This is ridiculous.” Palpatine held up his sword to the beams of light that now almost dominated the room. “I fight better in other forms.”

Better watch out,” Fett deadpanned as purple light blasted through the younger man. “Boss gets a little testy when he grows.”

Leia was ready for the dragon this time. “Oh no, you don't.” She lunged for the beast with her sword the moment it appeared, stabbing it in the foot. It roared and reared back, grabbing her and squeezing her. She screamed...and her screams were matched by Luke's wails of pure horror.

I should eat you right here, girl.” Palpatine had the worst breath Leia'd ever laid her nostrils on. It smelled like dirty hose smoked on a wood fire. “I should turn you into a rodent and have you for supper, just like I did to King Josiah.”

That got Han's attention. He tried to lunge for Palpatine, his jaw set so hard, Leia was surprised it didn't dislocate, but Fett grabbed his arms. “Oh yes, the king was such a tasty morsel! He figured out years ago that I intended to take over the throne. It was hardly suited the likes of a mere gypsy thief. He was a lot like you in that way, Henry. He ordered his most trusted associates to arrest me. I turned them all into harmless, fluffy mice and myself into a lion and swallowed the entire lot in one gulp.”

He leaned over Han, letting the prince see every last tooth in his wide, wicked smile. “Josiah went first. It was very sporting of him, really. He was very tasty, though all that muscle on him made him a bit gristly.”

Chewbacca didn't care how big this ugly lizard was. He would do anything to protect his master. He leaped for Palpatine, scratching hard at his side. The dragon swatted at him long enough to let Leia go. She dropped to the floor with an unceremonious “thud.”

As soon as Chewie ducked away from his hand to the safety of a splintered gold-leaf side table, Han whipped out the mechanical bow and arrow he'd retrieved from the other room. Before Fett or anyone else could stop him, he loaded his arrow and let it fly. It soared straight into Palpatine's right eye, making blue blood gush and Palpatine roar like an enraged lion.

Good idea, Henry!” Amilyn was on Palpatine's other side. She just managed to miss debris from the ceiling before her eyes slid to the emerging stars out the remains of the window. A slightly cracked mirror on the wall reflected the brightly emerging moon. “Perfect! Commander Antilles, help me please.”

They managed to heft the heavy piece off the wall, then stumble over to the window. Amilyn peered out the remains of the window, grabbing a piece of rock to keep from falling out. “Now, we just have to hold it at the right angle...” They lifted it together, tilting it just so. After a few minutes of tilting, the shafts of moonlight fractured and hit Palpatine's other eye, completely blinding him.

He was about to reach for Leia again when twenty balls of fluff suddenly leaped onto him from the ceiling. Wicket jabbed his spear into Palpatine's leg, making him jump and the whole room shake. Ewoks grabbed at the spikes on his head, rode his arms like a swing, and threw rocks and javelins at his side. They snatched his tail, only to be flung off when he swung them away...but they came back for more, thinking it was a fun game and wanting another ride.

Leia would have doubled over laughing if the whole thing wasn't so serious. “How do you feel about the people now, Palpatine?” She held out her own sword as Luke drew his. “Wicket,” she called out to the fluffball by his side, “get your people off the big mean lizard.” She waved, pointing down. “We're going to get rid of him. As much as you're enjoying yourselves, he's not a toy.”

You little brats!” Palpatine drew to his full height, pushing his head straight through the roof. Everyone jumped away as wooded boards and bits of dust and debris clattered to the floor. He swatted Leia into the heavy walnut bed board as easily as if she were a fly. “Now, young Skywalkers, you will die.”

Here's a juicy one for you, Master!” Boba Fett poked at Han and stepped aside when he took a swing at him. “I'll tell my boss something else. He's been a thorn in my side for years.”

Palpatine was flailing around the room, searching for something, anything to kill. His claws finally wrapped around Fett, lifting him to his mouth. “Boss, what are you doing?” Fett wriggled like a fish caught on a hook. Palpatine opened his mouth filled with sharp teeth as light flowed from Fett. “Boss, you wouldn't dare!” Ignoring his protests, the huge lizard dropped Fett into his jaws, chewed him, and swallowed him, armor and all.

Amilyn turned pea green while Wedge winced. “That wasn't pleasant. I've heard dragons will eat anything, I didn't know they'd eat iron armor.”

Please,” Luke begged as the claws flailed for Leia again. “Don't hurt her!” Luke tugged at his side, letting the dragon sweep him into his claws.. “I can heal you. You're not this. You're human, like us.”

Luke,” Leia hissed, “what are you doing?” Han and Wedge went to her side, but both of their eyes were on the duo by the remains of the window.

I can heal you, Palpatine.” Luke gave him his calming smile. Palpatine's fingers were already starting to smoke. “I can make you better. Your magic needs to be purified.” Luke concentrated, sending his green light over Palpatine's hands with a gentle smile.

To Luke's surprise, Palpatine shrieked like a dying banshee. He managed to drop Luke onto Han before his entire body was engulfed in green fire. “Thanks, brother.” Leia drew her sword. “I'll finish him off.” She grabbed Luke's green sword and focused, drawing light from ever corner of the kingdom before plunging both swords into Palpatine's belly.

Luke's eyes widened as an intense blue-green fire consumed Palpatine and everything around him. “Everyone out!” The floor under them began to rumble. “This tower is going to blow!”

Han slung his bow on his back and grabbed Leia's hand. Leia tossed Luke his sword and slid hers back into her scabbard, stuffing Wicket under her arm before they dashed out. Luke took Wedge's hand, picking up another Ewok in the other. Chewbacca nudged three smaller Ewoks on his back. Amilyn gently pushed the others to the door. She was the last one out the door and down the stone stairs before the tower collapsed, flattening a significant portion of the side of the garden.

Han! Luke!” Leia flung her arms around Han and Luke as the Ewoks chattered around her. “We did it! We're all right!”

Wedge's wide eyes settled on Luke. “Who are you, and how did you set the dragon on fire?”

Luke blushed. “My name is Luke Skywalker. I'm a healer and a mage. I was trying to heal him. I didn't think the spell would react that way!”

Pure, young Skywalker's magic is.” Yoda's familiar light fluttered in...but this time, Yoda seemed to be merely a ghost, a pale form Leia could easily see through. “Too pure for Palpatine. His magic was pure corrupted evil. Evil magic cannot withstand the light, and the light cannot snuff out pure evil alone.”

When I drew magic,” Leia looked at her blue-stained sword, “it felt...warm. Not like draining. More like a...transfer, from one living creature to another.”

Share the energy, you did.” Yoda nodded. “There is a way to take energy without causing harm. Jedi did it often. Was how we kept up our battles without burning ourselves out.”

Han frowned and tugged at Leia, nodding in Yoda's direction. “Oh, I forgot. You probably can't see him. Han, this is Yoda. Yoda, this is...”

Prince Henry.” Yoda's bow was more like a bob. “Honor to meet you, it is. Knew parents well during the Alliance Wars.”

Stop confusing him.” Ahsoka met them in the hall, followed by Wedge's guards, and to Leia's delight, a battered but moving Bail and Breha. “He's had enough trouble as it is.” She curtsied elegantly. “Your Majesty, your subjects are waiting in the main courtyard. We evacuated the castle when we saw the fire out the tower windows.”

Han opened his mouth to greet her, but nothing emerged by silence. He stroked his throat. “Damn it!” Leia growled. “Palpatine took his voice. He can't talk.”

I can help with that. I'm the healer.” Luke smiled and rubbed his hand down Han's throat. A trail of green light followed his fingers before being absorbed into his friend's adam's apple.

Han gasped and rubbed his hand over his throat. “Thanks, kid.” He gave Luke a quick hug. “I owe you one.” He raised his eyebrow. “But what about the spell on you?”

Died when Palpatine did.” Luke grinned at him, but his eyes slid to Wedge. “I'm now a free man.” Wedge grinned back.

Come on, kiddies.” Han put his arms around Luke and Leia. “Let's go address my subjects.”

Leia pulled away. “What makes you think your subjects are going to just suddenly accept you as their king?”

She's right.” Bail exchanged looks with Breha. “He'll need help running the kingdom. Someone with brains, strength, and compassion. Someone who knows how to put up with him.”

The female knight rolled her eyes. “And who would this paragon be?”

Han took her hand as they stepped out into the courtyard. “I'll tell you when we're outside.”


Leia had never seen such a crowd. Everyone in town was in the courtyard! Torches flickered like stars in the indigo night. The moon showed over the great masses, revealing Hera and Kanan at their cart, with Sabine and Ezra holding hands by the remains of the taffy-pulling stand. Jyn, Cassian, and their group were freeing people in tattered counselor's finery from the chains of Palpatine's army.

Masters!” Cyril and Artello hurried up to them. “I'm so glad to see you fully functional again!” Artello's gave a high squeak on his flute. “Artello also expresses his delight at seeing you. After the tower came down, we thought you'd all been killed!” Artello rolled his eyes and squeaked his flute again. “You thought they'd be fine! Artello, no one could have survived how the tower came down! There's stone masons who are still sifting through the rubble.”

Everyone is here, Your Highness. Jyn and Cass and I rounded up as many townspeople as we could. All the senators and missing people are now human and accounted for.” Lando explained, then kissed Amilyn's hand before turning to Han. “Hey, buddy. Glad to see you're all right.”

I'm glad, too.” He grinned and held up a fist. “Before I address my people, there's something we need to settle.”

Lando didn't have the time to duck before Han slammed him square in the chin. The former baron landed in the near-by berry pie stand with a crash! “Buddy,” he groaned, wiping off his sleeves, “this is a new uniform! I just had the cape washed last week!”

Don't turn me over to bounty hunters at the first opportunity, then.” Han held out his hand. “Friends, buddy?”

Lando let him help him to his feet. “Yeah, friends.”

Ahsoka chuckled. “I think they're ready for you, Your Majesty.”

Thanks, Tails.” Han took Leia and Luke's hands and turned to address the audience. “My people,” he began, “yes, I am Prince Henry of Naboo. Yes, I was every inch the scoundrel and wastrel people called me. I wasn't killed on the road. I was kidnapped and attacked by Chancellor Palpatine, the same man who raised your taxes, jailed many people merely for having magic, and bred fear and corruption in this land.” His voice became steely. “The same man who made who murdered King Josiah and Queen Jania and used their council for his monster army.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing as voices flew around like wildfire. “I thought I wasn't worthy of being king, that I couldn't handle ruling. I thought I wanted my freedom.” His eyes met Leia's. “What I needed was people to rule with me. I needed a new start. Naboo does, too.”

He squeezed Luke and Leia's shoulders. “This is Lady Leia and Lord Luke Skywalker, the son and daughter of Sir Anakin and Lady Padme Skywalker, the greatest Force Knight and Councilwoman this kingdom ever had. They have proved to be loyal and just friends, to Naboo, to it's people, and to me.”

Han blushed, trying to figure out how to get the next words out, but Chewie gave him a nudge. “Uh, Leia, look, I want you to be my queen.” He rubbed his scruffy head and looked down at his toes like an embarrassed school boy. “I saw what you did for me back there. You're're amazing. What I'm trying to say is, I love you.”

Leia just put her fingers on his lips. “I know.” The hills rocked with the sounds of the entire kingdom cheering at the most passionate kiss seen at Solo Castle in years.

King Han and Queen Leia became two of the most beloved monarchs in the history of Naboo. Leia became known as “The Warrior Queen” for her ability to lead her troops into battle and always come out the best of it. Jyn and Cassian remained lovers; their Rogue One Squad was known for taking only the toughest military intelligence assignments. Kanan and Hera remained at the castle as the royal family's personal blacksmith and one of the most beloved army carriage drivers, continuing to raise their three children. Bail and Breha took Cyril back to Alderaan, where they rebuilt Alderaan Manor. Bail and Mon Mothma were now the head Chancellors – Bail of education and culture, Mon Mothma of defense.

Luke was now technically a prince, but he rejected his title in favor of starting a new Force Mage training school on the island of Atch-To, just forty miles west of Naboo. Wedge became his lover and bodyguard; his friends remained at Solo Castle as the bodyguards to the Royal Family. He offered a position to Ahsoka, but she declined, claiming she was happier in her cottage in the mountains. Yoda, and even Obi-Wan and Anakin, popped up to help occasionally.

No one knew what became of crafty Lando Calarissian. Last anyone in Naboo had heard, he was gambling for control of a string of taverns and theaters in the city of Cantino Bight. It was also rumored that, despite his reputation, he was courting the Princess Amilyn...and she wasn't turning him away.

Queen Leia and King Han enjoyed many years of prosperity in Naboo before bearing a little son they named Benjamin, declaring him sovereign prince and the heir to the throne. There were others who watched the boy, dark men who hoped he would be the one to return the dark side to the throne...but that, friends, is another story for another time. For now, let us leave things here, in happily ever after...for no matter what the future brings, they are, after all, happy now.

The End

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