Friday, October 20, 2017

The Summer Strikes Back, Part 28

Labor Day dawned hot and sunny. The beach had been roped off the night before, with grandstands hastily added. The stands were packed. Every inch of sand was covered with blankets, towels, and lawn chairs. Ahsoka's face was a mass of purple bruises that were turning yellow, and her arm was in a sling, but she was still able to broadcast the event from a set-up behind the stands.Chirrut and Baze sat with Uncle Ben in the stands.

Luke grinned and waved from the shoreline at Hank and Charlie, who lay on a slightly tattered old quilt with Chip, Arturro, Poe, and Kes. The Wicket family spread their blanket right next to Hank's. Charlie helped the kids make a sand castle while Hank talked to their parents.

Jyn and Cassian were perched on their usual place at the whitewashed lifeguard stand. Saw Gerrera, a massive black man with a frizzy gray Afro, stood at attention next to them. His red and white Ocean View Head Lifeguard tank top strained at his muscular chest. Bodhi and Kris chatted with them on the other side, ignoring glares from their boss. If Luke squinted, he could see a line of yachts and small cruisers getting ready for the Boat Pageant that evening in the distance, the Ghost and Millennium Falcon among them.

Wow.” Wedge glanced around the beach. “I can't believe how huge this ended up being.”

It's called the power of advertising, man.” Hobbie grinned. “We've been putting up posters and running commercials on Channel 13 and WACZ all summer.”

Leia frowned at the judges' stand. “Why is Thrawn still allowed to be a judge, even after what happened at City Hall?” He was chatting with Senator Organa in his crisp blue and ivory linen summer suit. She looked more annoyed with him than anything under her wide-brimmed straw hat. Yoda was in an animated discussion with Jan Dodonna, while Carl Rieekian talked to Maz Kantana.

Wes rolled his eyes. “They couldn't prove the bribe thing, man. Besides, he says the judging should be impartial.”

Impartial my ass.” Leia made a face. “Impartial to the Imperials. There has to be a way to really prove he's on their side, besides him being in favor of the hotel.”

Luke looked over his shoulder as gasps went up from the crowd. Vader lead his men, all in white and black wet suits. The clingy fabric of his black and red suit made the Imperial Gang leader look even taller and more intimidating than ever. His face was a mass of scars and pitted skin that had once been terrible burns, but his blue eyes were bright and sharp as a broken shell.

All right, kid,” Vader huffed. “Let's get this started.”

As Saw Gerrera announced the rules, Luke's eyes wandered over to the water. The Ghost and the Falcon were rapidly being joined by several other vessels that were preparing for the Pageant or had opted to watch the contest from the water. Sunlight glinted off the largest, a sleek black and silver yacht. It seemed vaguely familiar. He may have seen it in one of the marinas at Roseman's Landing earlier in the summer. Vader's bloodshot eyes never left it.

Senator Organa held up the trophies. “Each winner will receive a trophy and prize money. First place gets a gold trophy and five thousand dollars. Second place receives a silver trophy and three thousand dollars. Third gets a bronze trophy and one thousand dollars. Now,” she added with her small smile, “let the contest begin!”

They were announced alphabetically, which meant Luke was one of the last ones to go. While he clapped and cheered for the others, his mind was really on what he intended to do later. He considered talking to Adam during the contest, but his older brother had made himself as scarce as possible before his turn came.

The judges studied each surfer, tallying the difficulty and longevity of their tricks and rolls. The first few Imperials wiped out right away. Their tricks were limited to the simplest beginner techniques, and at least two of them couldn't handle the relatively small waves out there today and couldn't stay on their boards.

The Rogues were better. Wedge and his friends had been surfing for most of their lives. They could do complex barrel rolls and a-lines that the Imperials couldn't dream of. The crowd went wild when Wedge executed three a-lines in a row. He only lost control of his board towards the end of his run. Luke swore he saw one of the Imperials shoot something from a small tube, a rock or bean.

He nudged Leia, pointing at the Imperials. She narrowed her eyes and went right to Jyn and Cassian. Cassian confiscated the Imperial's shooter and hauled him to Officer Madine, while Jyn told the judges. The Imperial was ejected from the contest. Thrawn tried to protest, but he was glared down by Madine, Jyn, and Senator Mothma.

We have to keep a better eye on those assholes.” Leia – and the entire crowd – watched Madine and Gerrera throw the Imperial off the beach. “They could try something else.”

No, they won't.” Jyn grinned down at Leia. “We just recruited our newest members.” Cassian was pinning Lifeguard badges on Kris and Bodhi. “They can't rescue people, but they can roam the beach and make sure no one else tries cheating.”

Cheating nothing.” Saw's voice as he rejoined them was more of a growl than Charlie's. “I need more people to check for beach tags. We're short-staffed as it is. A lot of our recruits already went home for the season.”

Bodhi had been asking a group of teenagers for their beach tags when he saw an Imperial in a gray and black wet suit down by the water. He had something silvery and sharp in his hand. He'd just sent it into the water as Bodhi leaned right over him.

Sir,” he said, “do you have your beach tag?”

Jerrod pushed him away. “Get out of my face. I have work to do.”

Sir, if you don't have a beach tag, I'm afraid you're going to have to talk to my boss.” Saw was already giving them the same hard stare that caused his troops in Vietnam to wail for their mothers.

Jerrod fumbled around his wet suit, finally producing a beach tag. “Does this make you happy?”

Very.” He wrote something down on a pad. “However, you're still going to have to talk to my boss. I saw what you did back there. What was it you put in the water?”

Jerrod smirked. “That's for me to know and you to find out, turd.”

SHARK!” Wes nearly fell out of his board when a gray fin was seen in the wave. “Shit!” He was about to start swimming for shore when he reached out his hand...and fished a rubber Jaws shark that that squirted water when you squeezed it out of the wave. “Hey, I like this guy! He's a pretty good size, too.” He grinned, pretending to stick his finger into the gaping jaws. “He'd be great to scare people in swimming pools! Wonder if I can keep him?”

Bodhi, Luke, and the Rogues were laughing their heads off on the shore. “That's Wes,” Wedge snickered. “You can't trick the trickster.”

Hobbie grinned. “I wonder if you get extra points for playing with a toy shark while on your board?”

Move aside, boys.” Leia smirked. “It's my turn.” She gave Luke a hug, then swam out on her board. While not all of her moves were as complex as the Rogues' tricks, she executed them with confidence and panache, including one impressive cut down the center of the largest wave they'd seen yet.

Sis, you were great!” Luke was the first to greet her when she came back to land. “It's too bad they're not giving out awards for the most improved. You're so much better than you used to be.”

Thanks, twin brother.” She threw her arms around him. “That's a major compliment, coming from a master like you.”

I'm not a master, sis.” Luke sighed. “I don't think I'll ever be as good as Uncle Ben and Yoda.”

All that matters is that you're good enough to beat Vader.” There was a hush over the crowd as Vader's name was announced. “He seems to be the one to beat. None of his flunkies have come close. They're better at sabotage than they are at surfing.”

The moment Vader stepped into the water, it was like he was a different person. All his past baggage seemed to fall away, revealing a young man who was at peace on the water. He rode every wave with supreme confidence. The tricks were the most complex yet, including three difficult barrels in a row as the wind gathered speed. He did almost slip on a hang ten, which seemed to bring him down to Earth. He finished a tad less showily, almost losing a simple cut maneuver, before flowing gracefully to the sand.

Wedge winced at his high scores. “Damn. No one's going to come close to him.”

I haven't gone yet. I'm the last one.” Luke picked up his surfboard. “Wish me luck, sis!”

Leia gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Good luck! I know you can do this. You can swim rings around Ad...Vader.”

He closed his eyes and dashed into the increasingly rough surf. The water crashed into him, threatening to pull him off his board. His fingers curled around Twilight for dear life. His uncle's words came back to him as he paddled further into the surf. Remember, Luke, you must be one with the water. Luke, trust me.

His legs were a little wobbly when he first got onto his board. After that, though, it was like he was a a creature born to the sea. The board was his fin, and he was gliding through the waves, cutting and flying like a graceful blue-green fish. His ears barely noticed the wild cheering and whistling on shore. He was too busy paying attention to the movement of the water under him as he executed a series of the most complex maneuvers he knew, including a few he'd picked up from Yoda in Dagobah Bay. His hang ten was perfect, no shaking, no slipping.

It seemed like the entire crowd swarmed around him when he finally made it back to land. Hank threw an arm around his dripping shoulder. “Kid, you were amazing! I didn't know you had it in you.”

Leia grinned. “I did.”

Luke gasped as Charlie nearly swept him off his feet. “That did it, lad. You've got this contest won for sure!”

Uncle Ben stumbled down to the beach, followed by Chip and Arturro. He put an arm around his nephew. “That was the finest surfing I've seen in at least twenty years. I'm proud of you, Luke, and Yoda told me he's proud of you, too.”

Chip nodded. “Your knowledge of the intricacies of surfing maneuvers is quite impressive.” Arturro just threw his arms around Luke's back to join Charlie in a hug.

Senator Mothma had to talk through a loudspeaker to be heard over the crowd. “The judges have come to their decisions.” She nodded at the three plastic trophies colored bronze, silver, and gold sitting on a table by the judges' stand. “In third place is Walter Antilles of Rogue Squadron, sponsored by the Green Yavin Hotel. In second, Darran Vader of the Imperials, sponsored by Empire Industries. And our first place winner, Luke Walker of Rogue Squadron, sponsored by the Cottages By the Sea.”

The beach erupted into absolute bedlam after that announcement. Thrawn's demands for a recount were drowned out by the jubilant cheers and screams on the shore. Half the people in the stands swarmed over to Luke, shaking his hand or giving him hugs. Wes gave him a noogie in front of everyone. Deak and Hobbie gave him and Wedge high-fives. Ahsoka gave him a quick hug before doing a short interview on his feelings about winning. Leia wrapped her arms around Luke, never wanting to let her silly brother go again. Hank wrapped his arms around both of them...and Charlie grabbed all three and squeezed them for all they were worth.

Senator Mothma shook Luke's hand and personally handed him and Wedge their bronze and gold trophies and checks. Vader refused to shake her hand. Giving her a glare that reminded Luke a lot of Leia's at it nastiest, he snatched the check and silver trophy and stormed across the beach to a gaggle of his men. He saw him throw his surfboard to the ground and kick it hard, then jump up and down and grab his sore toes when he forgot he was barefoot.

Luke frowned, watching Vader sweep his surfboard into his arms and stumble away. “Leia, here.” He handed her his trophy and the check. “Give the check to Uncle Ben. Tell Hank he can hock the trophy and either donate it to the Cottages, or use it for repairs on the Falcon. I don't need it. Could you take my surfboard home? Uncle Ben can keep it for me while I'm in the Coast Guard.”

Luke, please.” Leia took his hand. “Vader's not worth it.”

Leia, he's our family. I can save him. I know I can.” He gave her a kiss on her cheek. “I love you, sis.”

She sighed. “I love you too, Luke. Just be careful.”

I will.” Luke hugged her, then headed across the street to their cottage to change quickly before he followed Vader to the marina.

Hank frowned. “I thought the kid was going to the Boat Pageant with us tonight.”

No. He has...other things to do.” Leia put her arm around him. “Hank, there's something I need to tell you...”


Vader slammed onto the black and silver yacht tied up in Brentwood Marina ten minutes later, throwing his surfboard across the upper deck and into the side of the wheel house. It left a long dent where the edge hit the wall. “Piett,” he growled at the slender, slightly older Imperial in a gray polo shirt and black shorts, “you ass, what happened out there? I thought you idiots were surfers!”

What happened was our sabotage didn't work.” Piett wrinkled his slender yuppie nose. “I tried to tell you the beaches would be too well-patrolled for such childish pranks.”

You did come in second.” Veers retrieved the board. “It's not a total loss, man. We got some dough. We could get some work done on our bikes, maybe take a nice little road trip down to Florida for the winter.”

No. The Big Man will probably want the money. He's paying for this shit.” Vader grabbed his surfboard, checking it for cracks on the side where it hit the wall. “Speaking of the Big Man, he's down in his cabin. I'll be joinin' him as soon as Jerrod gets his ass over here. Figures he'd get to talkin' to chicks at the beach.”

Even as he spoke, the wayward Imperial appeared around a corner. Luke was with him, his arms held roughly behind his back. “Look what I found on my way here, boss.” Jerrod sneered and shoved Luke up the ramp. “The friggin' big kahuna himself. Said he was giving himself up to us.”

Vader took his arm. “I'll take care of him. The rest of you are gonna be on the boardwalk during the Boat Pageant. They'll be distracted up there tonight. Might be a good time to have another little fire on Kantana's pier. Get back at them for that one-sided contest this morning. If Kantana goes down, almost everyone else on the boardwalk might be more interested in sellin' out. We'll be around to pick you up tonight, after the Pageant.”

Piett sighed. He'd been looking forward to a quiet night on the yacht, sipping Mr. Palpatine's good sherry and reading GQ. All he said was “Right, Mr. Vader.”

So,” Vader began as Piett filed the others down the ramp, “you've accepted the truth, boy.”

Luke nodded. “I've accepted the truth that you were once Adam Walker, my older brother.”

That name,” Adam snapped, “don't mean nothin' to me.”

Luke shook his head. “It's your real name. Our name.” Vader couldn't believe how much the kid looked like him, when he was young and stupid. Same sandy mane of hair, same stubborn glint in the sapphire blue eyes. “It's who you are. You've just forgotten.” He turned to the railings, watching boats glide in and out of the glistening green harbor. “That's why you couldn't hurt me or Leia before. That's why you won't bring us to Palpatine now.”

You know, kid, you were really impressive out there.” Vader put a hand on his shoulder. “You're freakin' good, baby bro. Palpatine said you would be. You'd be great as an Imperial. Leia, too.” Luke's gentle face fell. It nearly killed him to see how disappointed his little brother was in him. “I'm sorry kiddo, but he's The Big Man. He'll be your teacher now.”

His brother seemed to harden like tan marble as he stared directly into his soul. “Then my brother is truly dead.”

Come on, bro.” Even as he grabbed his brother by the arm and shoved him below-decks, Vader was forming a plan in his head. This was shit. There was no way he was gonna let some rich dick like Palpatine hurt his baby brother, or his baby sister, either. He had to find a way to save the kid, even if he and his boss didn't make it out alive.

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