Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Star Wars Fairy Tale: New Hope, Part 11

Vader ordered the dragons to attack the very next day. Tarkin rode with the Imperial Army, while the dragons went on ahead. They would burn the trees and buildings, driving out any humans they didn't set ablaze or feast on. Vader and his troopers would take care of the rest.

His Lordship flew with the dragons. As a half-demon, he had leathery wings of his own that gave him the power of flight. He shed most of his armor in order to be light enough to fly. Two of his best riders were astride the dragons and beat them with their swords to keep them in line.

While the Rebels moved towards the edge of the Enchanted Woods, Leia helped evacuate their camp. Luke was surprised at how efficient the young woman was, and how strong of a leader. She packed trunks, healed the wounded with her Force magic, gave orders to the men who would attack the dragons, and calmed horses and other animals who were greatly disturbed by the coming threat. She set Arthur and Cecil up in a hut away from the trees, where the small, stout blacksmith could repair the shoes and weapons needed for the Rebels.

Leia didn't say it, but she could sense not only their fear, but the fear of the Woods. All Force users knew the Enchanted Woods was a creature in and of itself. It had patches of dark and light, like any human. And it knew that at threat was coming to do it, and the creatures within it, great harm.

Luke felt it, too. He could feel it in every leaf, every spore, every creature that chattered in the branches and burrowed into holes in the ground beneath their feet. He could feel it in Tauntaun's unease. The soft gray and white pony stomped the ground nervously.

He stroked her mane. “I know, girl. The dragons are coming. They'll be here soon.”

Even as Luke spoke those words, he heard the sound of rustling wings, thousands of them. Suddenly, leathery black forms blotted out the sun, making the daytime as black as the darkest night.

The dragons looked even bigger and more frightening than they had in Aldran Town. They swooped down at the troops, attacking quickly and without warning. Tarkin's men followed, advancing behind them on horseback.

What the Imperials didn't know was that the Rebels were prepared. Arthur and several blacksmiths had been hard at work on the Rebels' armor to make it impervious to fire. Their bows and arrows were made of a strong flint that, while it didn't fell the dragons, penetrated their tough scales with more ease than ordinary army-issue arrows. The dragons weren't killed, but they were slowed.

Luke fought valiantly, slashing at the dragons with a sword he borrowed from one of the Rebels when his arrow supply ran out. He stayed with his squadron, including Biggs, Wedge, Wedge's friend Porkins who had once driven supply carriages to and from Aldran Town, and Lord Gold, one of Aldran's great military leaders.

The dragons, however, had the advantage of sheer size and strength, not to mention their powerful teeth and claws. One easily carried off fat Porkins and ate him as neatly as a human would an apple. Lord Gold was burned to a crisp, along with an entire regiment, when he slashed at the belly of the largest, lead dragon.

The Enchanted Woods fought with all its might, too. Trees flung acorns and pinecones and branches at the creatures. Squirrels threw nuts. Birds flew down in groups and confused the troopers, making them turn in the wrong direction. Roots tripped up their horses; moss tangled the dragons' feet and wings. Wild animals bit and scratched. Vines lifted riders off their horses. Flowers blew pollen that obscured the battlefield and made troopers sneeze.

Despite their efforts, the Rebels were being fought back. Many had been singed or were victims of the dragons' appetites. Luke, Wedge, and Biggs were the last remaining riders in their regiment by the time twilight hit.

Biggs pointed to the largest dragon as it flew into the Woods, its leathery wings larger than six horses both ways. “I think that's the Emperor Dragon. We studied dragons at school in Coruscant. It's the largest of all of them, its scales are shinier and thicker, and it has a longer fin on its back and a heavier tail than the others. It must be hundreds of years old. Only dragons that are a hundred or more have scales as thick as that. All the other dragons demur to him. He's the one we need to go after.”

Wedge nodded. “He's the one who killed Lord Gold! I say we get rid of him!”

Luke closed his eyes...and was surprised when he heard a familiar voice. Use the force, Luke, Ben Kenobi whispered. Let go. Follow your heart.

The young knight turned to the others. “I know where we're going. I can feel it. Follow me.”

The trio pursued the dragon deeper into the Woods. It was growing darker. Luke shuddered. He didn't like this part of the forest at all. The thick, leafless trees obscured the last rays of the setting sun. Nothing grew here. No flowers provided stray color; vines hung off the withered branches. This was a dead, decaying place, a place of darkness. Luke shuddered as he recalled what Ben told him earlier – that there were pockets in the Enchanted Woods where dark magic ruled.

Luke was starting to wonder if he was doing the right thing. “I have a bad feeling about this.” Wedge and Biggs stayed close to Luke's side. Their horses moved slower and slower, their steps less sure-footed.

Biggs pointed towards a shadowy form, sinewy and snake-like, moving through the trees. “There he goes!”

“Look at the size of that thing!” Wedge's brown eyes shown with shock. “He's as big as six Wookie Stallions!”

There was more rustling. “I think there's two smaller ones with him.” Another form could be seen slithering through the woods. The sound of fire bellowing in a rush and trees crackling assaulted their ears. Biggs turned his mount around. “I'm going to deal with that one. You boys see if you can find the other. We'll meet where the leader is.”

“Biggs!” Luke called out. “We really shouldn't separate!”

“I'll be all right, Luke.” He patted his friend on the shoulder. “Don't worry.” Luke watched as he rode off into the woods, following the red-gray-scaled tail.

They didn't have time to go after him, or even question what he was doing. The other Sith Dragon was on them just a few minutes later, twisting and turning around them like a thick, deadly coil of rope. Wedge lunged first, getting a stab under the creature's chest with his sword. The dragon fought back, aiming a blast of hot air in his direction. Wedge and Luke managed to dodge it, but Wedge's horse wasn't as lucky. When the dragon's breath subsided, the unfortunate animal was little more than a pile of cinders and bones, and his sword had been melted into a twisted

Luke tried to stick his sword where Wedge had, but the dragon moved away. It dove further into the woods, in the same direction as the larger Emperor Dragon. “Wedge, go back and find Biggs.” Luke insisted. “I'll go after the Emperor Dragon.”

“Are you sure?” Wedge nodded back towards the woods. “You'll need help. That dragon is too big to handle alone.”

“I'm sure. You can't do any good here.” He handed him his horse. “Take Tauntaun. She's too scared of the dragons to go much further anyway.”

Wedge climbed on the spooked pony. “Luke, I'll come back with help! I promise!”

The golden-haired youth watched his friend take off into the trees before continuing his pursuit of the dragon. It couldn't hide forever. It was too large to be able to disappear into the Woods for much longer. Sooner or later, the Emperor Dragon would tire or come down to feed...and then...and then if Luke admitted it to himself, he didn't know what he'd do. Stab it, he had hoped.

He was trying to figure out just that when he heard the familiar rustling. The elongated, sinuous form came down in a great rush of wind, knocking Luke head over heels into a pile of cracked gray leaves. The Emperor Dragon's roars were deafening. It shook the trees and made the ground under Luke move, causing him to fall back into the leaves.

When Luke finally managed to climb to his feet, he pulled out his sword. Now was the time to get rid of this creature, this thing that had burned Aldran Town and murdered its king...and, he knew, burned his family.

“You,” he whispered. “It was you. Dragons burned my aunt and uncle's farm. The Empire sent dragons to destroy them. The dragons devoured them. I saw the bones. I didn't know what happened, until I saw Aldran Town and what the dragons did to the king.” Luke drew his sword. “You'll pay for taking my only family away from me and helping the Imperials kill innocent people!” The dragon merely stared at him with its black slits.

Luke, whispered a voice in his head, a familiar voice, vengeance is not the way of the Force. Talk to the dragon. Trust your feelings. The dragons are not entirely at fault.

“Ben?” Luke looked around, but could find no sight of his beloved master. He heard another voice...but this one was far deeper than that Ben's. It seemed to come from the direction of the dragon. The dragon...whimpered.

Luke looked straight into the creature's black eyes. “Did you...was that you?”

Yes, it hissed in his head. You're one of them. One of the magicians. You can talk to us.

“Well, I am a magician,” Luke admitted, “but I'm still learning.”

Still, you can understand our language. The dragon flicked it's tongue at him. I ask for your aid. I cannot defend my group anymore. I cannot fly.

Luke concentrated, trying to respond in kind. Why me? I'm just a stable boy. You're dragons! You killed my family, and all those innocent people in Aldran Town, including the king and queen! Why should I help you?

You have compassion, the Emperor Dragon stated simply. I can sense it. Dragons posses the magic that you upright-walkers call “the Force.” It's how we breathe fire and keep our families together. We sense one another. It whimpered again, trying to move its left wing. Luke then noticed an arrow protruding from the part of the wing closest to the back.

You're in pain! Luke hurried over to him. If I get that out for you, will you not eat me or burn me, or my friends? We're trying to defend our camp and help the people of Aldran.

The Dragon nodded. You have my word, Small Magician.

Luke scrambled over to the enormous wing. It was nearly as long as Luke, and strong as bantha ox hide. The arrow was embedded good and deep in the part of the wing that met the back. Luke concentrated, remembering what Ben had said. This may have been a dragon, but it was a living, breathing animal. It didn't deserve to suffer like this. Luke let the blue light gently flow around the arrow. Slowly but surely, he slid the arrow out of the dragon's back.

The Dragon winced, its black eyes screwed up in pain. It hurts, it growled.

Luke nodded, putting his hand on the wound, ignoring the rich, dark blood. I know it does. I can feel it. Hold on. I'll do what I can. He threw all his concentration into closing the wound, making the dragon feel better. It took one minute, then two, but a blue light did start to form around the slit. The cut gradually closed, scabbing over until one could barely tell there was a wound at all.

The Dragon tested its wing, flapping it lightly this way and that. After a few minutes, it turned to Luke...and to his surprised, seemed to bow before him. I'm grateful to you, Small Magician, it said. You are a human of your word. You have great power...but more importantly, you have a vast heart. If there's anything me or my clan can do for you, name it.

Help us, Luke said. Help us defeat the Empire. I'm a part of the Rebels. We're trying to restore peace to the Kingdoms.

It is done. The Dragon lowered his body to the ground. Climb on my back. We will gather the rest of my clan. Hold on tightly!

Luke couldn't believe he was riding on the back of a dragon. He was even more astonished when the Dragon opened its great black wings and took off into the brilliant blue sky! It was amazing. He couldn't believe the view. He couldn't believe he was riding on the back of a creature that breathed fire and had claws as long as his arm.

Why did you agree to help me? he asked. I thought you were with the Kingdom of the Empire.

The Dragon swooped further down towards the tops of the trees. It wasn't our choice. The Evil Ones in the white scales attacked our caves in the Parched Mountains. They poisoned our food supply, killed our young, drove us out into the open. We're their slaves.

Luke's blue eyes were horrified. That's terrible! I won't let them do that to you anymore. The Rebels are good people. They were good to me. They took me in and let me fight, even though I've been with them for less than a week. They give food and shelter to humans who were driven out of their homes by the Kingdom of the Empire like you were. Like I was. They destroyed my home, too. Killed my family.

Like us. The Dragon swiftly moved back into the woods, moving easily around the trees. We had to burn those towns. If we didn't, more of us would suffer.

As the Dragon passed through the Woods, it let out a long, deep whistle. Luke thought it sounded like he was calling a dog...but it seemed he was calling his clan. As they continued through the Woods, more and more Dragons joined them. Luke had never seen so many dragons! There were ones as small as a large dog, and others that were nearly as big as the Emperor Dragon. Some were black and purple, others red, still others magenta or deep blue. They had smooth scales and rough scales, long claws and short ones.

Luke lead the dragons to the clearing where the Imperials and the remaining dragons had pushed back the Rebels' regiments. The dragons knocked over Imperials, grabbing them off horses and burning their carriages. The Rebels whooped with delight. More and more dragons, seeing that their leader was fighting those who had treated them so cruelly, turned against their Imperial handlers. Luke tried to discourage them burning them or eating them. Rebels captured Imperial guards.

Wedge's eyes were wide as he looked at the carnarge around him. “How did you do it?”

Luke shrugged and patted the Emperor Dragon's neck. “My friend here is just paying me back for a favor I did him.”

That was when Luke heard leathery wings...and the Emperor Dragon shifted under him. You must be careful, Small Magician. The Demon Man is near. It was he who demanded we be enslaved, and he and the Human Skeleton who wished we be used to set disobedient kingdoms ablaze.

“The Demon Man?” Luke looked behind him...just in time for the most terrifying creature he'd ever seen swoop towards him. Though his body was still covered by armor, his arms were shriveled and black as the darkest night. His wings matched those of the dragons, leathery and long. Luke let out a scream and took off on the Emperor Dragon.

Vader was more than a match for him. He was accompanied by two of his men on the backs of smaller dragons. “Can't you go any faster?” Luke begged the dragon. “He's almost on us!”

I cannot obey your request, Small Magician, the Emperor Dragon insisted. I am flying at my fastest speed as it is.

Luke ducked three or four blasts of energy that came from Vader's black crystal sword, it's blade adorned with red and black Khyber crystals. The last blast clipped the Emperor Dragon on the wing. It let out a cry and dropped down towards the forest floor.

Dragon, Luke exclaimed, let me fix your wing, or we'll never escape him!

There's no time! The Dragon nodded over his shoulder. The Demon Man is almost on us!

Vader lifted his sword for one last blast. “I have you now, boy,” he hissed, sounding more like the dragons than a human being.

Luke closed his eyes and waited for the blast. The blast never came. Instead, he heard a familiar voice as the sound of hooves galloping into the Woods blared in his ears. “WOOHOOOO!”

“What?” Vader's blast went wild, blackening a tree top rather than it's intended target. Two arrows had already taken his men off their serpentine mounts. A third pierced his wing. A fourth hit the hand that held the sword, going straight through it. He let out a yelp of pain, feeling terror in ways he hadn't in many years. He was just barely able to grab one of the now-empty dragons and soar back towards Bast Castle. The other dragon picked up his sword between its teeth before it fell to the ground and followed them.

Luke grinned at the familiar voice under him. “You're all clear, kid,” Han called from Chewbacca's back. “Now, let's get these jerks rounded up and go home.”

“Han!” Luke waved at his friend. He put his hand on the Emperor Dragon's wing, concentrating and letting the blue light wash over it again. When they landed, his wing was as good as new.

Han had been so busy watching Luke, he hadn't been paying attention to what was going on behind him. “Han!” Luke shrieked. “Watch out!”

“Damn!” The tall gypsy just barely missed getting a sword in his back.

Tarkin sat proud and tall on his fiery black stallion. At least two regiments of men with bows and arrows had their bows drawn behind him. “Ahh, the so-called 'prince' from the ball. Merely a low-born criminal. How amusing. Gentlemen, I have no difficulty with you eliminating him.”

“No!” Luke shouted as he lead the Dragon into the fray. Tarkin never heard Luke's charge. Nor did he see the dragons swooping down over his head until it was too late. He was roasted into a pile of cinders before he realized what happened. Others burned or hauled the Imperials away, or dashed them off their off their horses, or roared and sent their steeds careening back towards the Kingdom of the Empire. Han did his part, shooting any Imperial soldier the dragons missed.  

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